Fire Tower
   Photo: Fire Tower

Fire Tower in Grodno - a monument of architecture of the early XX century, the existing fire station and the museum of the fire and rescue service. It is in every sense an outstanding building located in the rich historical events outside Grodno - Castle.

If you study the history of Grodno, with its numerous unrest, coups and wars, we can see that the most brutal and ruthless enemy grodnovchan at all times was a fire. In the city at all times fierce fires raged, claiming the lives and property of entire neighborhoods, monasteries and even castles. Not surprisingly, the Grodno aristocracy want to stay closer to the fire tower itself, giving the needs of the fire brigade former castle stables.

In 1885, in Grodno broke another terrible fire, which burned more than 600 homes. To protect themselves from the fire, the residents of Grodno collected money, and these donations in 1870 was built the first wooden watch tower.

However, it soon became clear that the wooden watchtower is too low and does not give a complete overview of the city. Then, in 1902, it was built instead of the wooden 32-meter stone-tower. On the watchtower constantly patrol duty, which fire detection, loudly rang the bell. Fire brigade, armed with barrels on carts traveled to the scene.

During the First World War, there was an incident: the fire tower lookouts Germans considered Russian spies and decided to shoot. Misunderstanding decided to brave priest, who explained the meaning of the Germans fire watch. Firefighters were, as they say, out of the fire but in the hollow, because after a few minutes they had already put out the big fire in the city.

Today and-tower and fire station underwent a major reconstruction, after which the fire department started to work as usual, and part of the premises has been allocated for the museum of the fire and rescue service. The museum contains interesting exhibits on the largest fires Grodno and on ways to combat the fire.

Watchtower now no one uses it. On its upper level by a staircase, there are 120 steps. After the restoration on the viewing platform was installed sculpture sentinel fire, and on the roof - Vane with emblem fire service Grodno.

Like the rest of Grodno, fire-tower and the building of the fire with a unique fresco in the evening very beautifully illuminated.

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