House Museum Tsvetaevs
   Photo: House-Museum Tsvetaevs

Museum Tsvetaevs located in Tarusa on Rosa Luxemburg Street. Tarusa Tsvetaeva was memorable. The first time the parents of the poet Maria Alexandrovna and Ivan came here in 1891. With them came Ivan Vladimirovich children from his first marriage: a daughter Valeria and son Andrew. Subsequently Valeria Tsvetaeva was a student and then a follower of Isadora Duncan. She had been organized in Moscow State Courses "Art of Movement". She is buried in the town cemetery Tarus. Andrew Tsvetayev received his law degree, was an artist, an expert in painting, the writer.

Tsvetayevs were in Tarus thanks cousin Ivan Vladimirovich - Dobrotvorskaya EA, who was married to a country doctor from Tarusa. In Tarusa Tsvetaeva called the first family vacationers, because after they started the fashion for summer holidays Muscovites Tarus. In 1891 Tsvetayevs lived in the estate house Buturlins Ignatovskaya. And in the year of birth of the marina, in 1892, they took the city cottage "Sandy" and came here up until 1910 (at the end of 1960, "Sandy" destroyed and now imagine what she looked like, only on the layout, which is stored the museum Tsvetaevs).

The parents were brought Marina in Tarusa since infancy. Tsvetayevs considered it their homes Dobrotvorsky (located on Lenin) and "House Tyo." "Tyo House" in 1899, bought the grandfather M.Tsvetaeva AD Maine. After his death in this house lived the last two decades of his life his second wife, that little Asya and Marina dubbed "Tio". Same nickname and got home. In this house, and Anastasia Tsvetaeva lived in winter visits to Tarusa (1907-1910 years), and their father - the founder of the Museum of Fine Arts, IV Tsvetayev in 1903-1912 years. Currently, the restoration of the "House of Tio" is a museum of Tsvetaev family.

House-Museum is located in a picturesque location Tarusa, with him walking trail located along the Oka and key sources. The museum includes a collection of objects and materials that belonged to the family of Tsvetaeva. Museum staff happy to talk to visitors about all the exhibits collected in the museum. After exploring the museum can go on a high bank of the Oka, to see the huge stone with the inscription "Here lie'd like Marina Tsvetaeva."

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House Museum Tsvetaevs