Trinity Cathedral
   Photo: Trinity Cathedral

Cathedral in honor of the Holy Trinity in Zhlobin was built after the great fire of May 13, 1880, when burned, not only a large part of the city, but also the wooden Holy Cross Church. For construction was chosen the highest place on the banks of the Dnieper.

Difficult was the fate of this beautiful church. In the time of Stalin's repression was arrested Father Adam Zhdanovich. There is no one was to serve in the church, and it was closed by the authorities. In an empty room, it was decided to arrange the city archives.

During fierce bloody battles in 1941 the temple was on the very line of fire. It was destroyed almost to the ground. Shining domes were far visible, even in bad weather. They were a sight for the fascist artillery. Therefore, it was decided to blow up the church. Thrice laid explosives beneath the walls of the church, but the church stood, slipped only gold dome. Remains of walls were pilfered by local residents to rebuild houses destroyed during the war.

In 1992 it was decided to rebuild the suffering Church. In 1995 the consecration of the temple fully built. Now his bell ringing spreads far across the Dnieper, and the golden dome can be seen from almost anywhere in Zhlobin.

Grateful worshipers love their church. They love and patience grow a beautiful garden on the church territory. Through the efforts of the faithful organized a Sunday school for children. Recently opened icon painting school of spiritual art. The Orthodox church operates a public library.

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Trinity Cathedral
Catholic chapel St. Casimir