National Park Magallanes
   Photo: National Park Magallanes

Magallanes National Park is located to the west of the city of Punta Arenas, Magallanes Region. Covered with lush vegetation, the National Park protects native species beech and evergreen oak «coigues», growing in the reserve.

German naturalist Philippe Bernhard Ying discovered in 1843 coal mine on the west coast of the Strait of Magellan in the valley of the Rio de Las Minas at a place called Sandy Point and Punta Sunday (now Punta Arenas). The importance of this discovery, as well as lush forests and other natural resources, forced the government in 1845 to move the colonial settlement of Punta Santa Ana (Fort Bulnes) in Sandy Point, where he later founded the city of Punta Arenas. It is the third largest city in all of Patagonia.

This whole area - part of the National Park Magallanes, created in 1932 to protect the watershed of Lake Lynch, which is the main supplier of water to the city. The park was extended in 1939 to 20,878 hectares.

This reserve is the cradle of the special landscape and water resources, which allowed him to make a native home to numerous species of fauna and flora. Here you can see bustards, black woodpecker, finches, thrushes, ducks of all kinds, the puma, the Andean fox and gray. These places will appreciate nature lovers.

Park Magallanes has countless natural attractions for tourists: more than 60 miles of tracks for walking. In addition, it has routes for tourists with disabilities. The park has special shelters and picnic areas. But if during a trip to the park will surprise you tonight, to sleep only 8 kilometers from the reserve in the city of Punta Arenas.

Still this place is famous ski club Ski Club Andino - one of the few places with natural snow and sea views. Admire breathtaking views overlooking the sea, going down while skiing down the slope, it is possible in the period from June to October.

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National Park Magallanes