Moravian Museum
   Photo: Moravian Museum

Historical exposition Moravian Museum now occupies the house №8, more like a palace located on Zelni Square (formerly Market). Local guides call this baroque mansion, built in 1620-ies, Dietrichstein Palace. This building is also known that it is, though not for long, but it served as a home to the Chief of the Russian army Mikhail Kutuzov. He then spent a few nights before the battle of Austerlitz.

Dietrichstein palace was built for Cardinal František Dietrichstein and became one of his favorite residences. The building is reconstructed in 1748, during which they completely redesigned the entrance and lobby. In the palace at various times visited the first person in the country, including the Empress Maria Theresia.

In 1911, the house becomes the Moravian Museum. From now on there are temporary exhibitions. This continues until a large-scale renovation in the 80s of the last century, which resulted in the interiors have been adapted to the permanent exhibition. From now on, here is rich in anthropological, archaeological, zoological and some other collections of Brno. For example, it is considered to be a very interesting exhibition "Stone soul" represents a unique collection of Czech minerals.

The most valuable item in the museum, which come to admire not only many tourists but also eminent scientists considered a small figurine (11, 1 cm) Věstonice Venus, where 27 thousand years. This product is made of ceramics made by an anonymous sculptor in Paleolithic times.

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Moravian Museum
Castle Špilberk
Villa Tugendhat
Cabbage Market
Freedom Square