Literary Museum of Adam Mickiewicz
   Photo: Museum of Literature Adam Mickiewicz

Adam Mickiewicz Literary Museum - Museum of the Polish poet and political essayist, located in Warsaw. The mission of the museum is the collection and storage of cultural heritage and the promotion of literature, science and culture.

The idea of ​​creating a museum of Adam Mickiewicz appeared in 1948, when the National Museum in Warsaw has organized the exhibition to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of the poet. He initiated by the bibliophile and author of Mickiewicz - Alexander Semkovich.

For the museum was allocated two historic buildings in the Old Square, which for two years have been adapted to the needs of the exhibition hall. The grand opening of the museum took place in 1952. The collection was going slowly: valuable manuscripts, documents, portraits and memorabilia came to Warsaw from different countries. Assembled exposure involved the family of the poet, collectors and connoisseurs.

In 1962, the museum was expanded and took two neighboring buildings. At that time, the museum has become a kind of literary salon in Warsaw. In April 1972, he became the director Janusz Odrovats-Pienizek, who held this position until December 2009.

In 1974, the youngest son of the poet Joseph Mickiewicz memorabilia donated to the museum, domestic archives. In 1978, the collection has expanded and the eldest daughter of Adam Mickiewicz - Maria.

Literary Museum collaborates with museums in other countries, which makes it possible to arrange offsite temporary exhibits, telling about the Polish literary heritage abroad. Literary Museum is a member of the International Committee of the museums of the world ICLM.

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