Rurik settlement
   Photo: Rurik settlement

Not far from the center of Novgorod (2 km), at the source of the river Volkhov is Rurik settlement - a historical monument of the ninth century. It is known as the residence of the princes of Novgorod. Originally the building was called the Mound. Literally, the name is translated from Old Slavonic as "the place where the city." With the name of Prince Rurik it became associated only with the nineteenth century, it is connected with the interpretation of the ancient chronicles of the XII century, called "The Tale of Bygone Years".

There are several interpretations of this document. According to one of them in 862. Novgorod called Rurik to rule on their own land. And from that time in the land of Novgorod was built residence, where he lived, the prince and his retinue. It was a walled village at the source of the Volkhov to the Baltic-Volga trade way or another of its name - on the way "from the Vikings to the Greeks."

Location of construction has been very beneficial, as with the high hills were seen surrounding area and could watch the ships pass from the Volkhov into Lake Ilmen.

The population engaged in various crafts, evidenced by the results of excavations. Found crystal, glass and carnelian beads, bronze pendants decorated with runic symbols. In addition to jewelry, archaeologists have found armor and weapons Vikings, scales, hryvnia with hammers Thor, a lot of coins (of Arab, Western and Byzantine) and birch-bark scroll, is a letter to the parents of several brothers. In the letter mentioned the name of Prince Rurik.

The first excavations in the area have been made only in the early twentieth century. Toward the middle of the century began a systematic study of the place. In the course of the work done had traces of Neolithic 2-3 thousand years BC and the early Iron Age settlement. His first fort Fortresses was built in the 7th century Ilmensky Slovenia. By the 9th century fortress grows. Inside are wooden buildings. The fortress was firmly reinforced shaft and a moat. Before the seat of the prince stood a pagan sanctuary. In the history of ancient settlement, its territory was built six churches, both stone and wood. Several times they rebuilt and restored.

In the tenth century, not far from the settlement, a new settlement, which later became the new economic center Priilmenye. And by the beginning of the 11th century in Mound gradually reduced the intensity of life, there is only the residence of the princes. This place is very well known even to be associated with the names of many historical figures. It was here that Alexander Nevsky was growing up. Some time stayed here and lived: Dmitry Donskoy Vasily the Dark, Ivan III, Ivan the Terrible.

At the beginning of the twelfth century, it was erected Cathedral of the Annunciation, on the orders of Prince Mstislav of Novgorod. The construction took place under the leadership of the Russian architect - master Peter, in 1103. A little later built another temple on the other bank of the Volkhov identical Annunciation Cathedral in its layout, form the pillars and stairs. It - St. George's Cathedral in Yuriev Monastery. Thus, the two churches together is a magnificent ceremonial passage to the entrance to the city by the Ilmen Lake. The sight was indescribable in its beauty and greatness.

Also, in the fortress were built in different periods are 6 churches, both stone and wood. These were the churches: St. Nicholas, the Annunciation, the Presentation of the Virgin, St. Cosmas and Damian, St. George Michael the Archangel. Not far from the settlement was built the church of the Transfiguration Nereditsa, on the orders of Prince Yaroslav in 1198. Already in the late 16th century, this place has lost its meaning royal residence, and Peter I granted him Prince Menshikov.

Mound - is an ancient and very interesting monument, which attracts the attention of all those interested in the history of our country. And, despite the fact that now it is a small hill with the ruins of an ancient temple, everything here breathes ancient and immerses visitors in ancient times. Rurik settlement becomes one of the most interesting historical sites for scientists and tourists, as well as an attractive place to relax, as a beautiful piece of nature.

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