Church of Our Lady of Kazan
   Photo: Church of Our Lady of Kazan

In the town of Uglich, in the Assumption area is well-known Orthodox church dedicated to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which is the most prominent building on the square. It is believed that when the temple bell tower is the highest in the city.

It has long been located next to the church was a place of retail space, or rather, they were three: Wood, hay and grain. The first temple was the church, consecrated in the name of the Great Martyr George. It is known that in the early 17th century in the square there was a temple of Holy Mother of God Icon with Michael Malein chapels and Great Martyr George. The church stood before the Time of Troubles, and then he was burned.

After the church was lost in its place was built shopping stalls, although the events did not occur as expected. During this period, the city came the elder Barlaam, who found it necessary to build a large Uglich Kazan Church. Following the decision in 1638, he asked permission to Mikhail Fedorovich and, after a short period of time, it gets.

After some time, the city has built a new wooden church. As for the seats, in addition to the main Kazan throne, were lined up three more Venerable Eudoxia, martyr George and the man of God Alexia - all thrones, dedicated to the memory of the former royal family and the church. The found chronicles reported that the dedication of altars are the saints of the same name not only king, but also his wife and son. We can assume that this fact is caused not only an expression of the orthodox sense, but also the elder Barlaam special closeness to the royal family.

The existence of the new church did not last very long. At the end of 1641 Varlaam died, and three years after his death, the church burned down. Presumably, almost immediately a new church was built, as narrate cadastres 1674-1676 period. Novovystroenny church was also wooden and was a three-tent church, equipped with a pair of chapels. As such, the building of the Orthodox staid almost a hundred years.

In 1870 the wooden building was replaced by a stone. Temple built a two-story, and his style is defined as the Baroque. Temple - particularly high and looking up. The structure of each floor includes an altar, refectory room and the porch of the temple. From the outside facades are decorated using protruding blades, casings with a semicircular top and elegant patterned cornices. Completion of the church is in the form of light and surprisingly elegant octagon with a dome. On the first floor is the throne, consecrated in honor of the Presentation of the Lord.

The new temple caught fire in 1793, when it burned down again, along with the top floor, a bell tower. Restoration was carried out slowly, with the bell tower is completely dismantled. In place of the old built a new bell tower, built between 1807 and 1814 honey for years, only in the classical style. The church literally merged with the new bell tower in a single architectural ensemble. Three tiers of the belfry were decorated using columns, graceful arched doorways and gables. The wedding was realized in the form of a spire, but later was added and the cupola.

Just a hundred years ago the temple differed incredible beauty of interior decoration, because it was decorated predaltarnym carved iconostasis, made after a terrible fire. Thread completely gilded, and the background is painted blue. Holy Doors are distinguished image of the Annunciation and the Last Supper, with a richly emblazoned on them made canopy. Available on the walls of paintings done in a classical style from the hands of the painter county Antuhovo - SA Nenastevym.

The main attraction of the temple of the Holy Temple was the image that was donated to the elder Barlaam. Over the years, pilgrims from other cities come to the shrine to pay homage and ask for health. It is well known that the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God has always been considered besprihodnoy was on the content of urban society and donations.

Since the year 2000, the temple is slowly recovering.

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