Zaraisky Kremlin
   Photo: Kremlin Zaraisky

Zaraisky Kremlin was built on the orders of Grand Prince Vasily the Dark. Rectangular fortress of brick has two tiers of the battle and seven towers, four of which 12 Tigran - blind, three quadrangular - carriageways. In the northeastern corner towers were stored weapons, gunpowder and ammunition.

In 1681 on the orders of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich in the city it was built stone Cathedral in Peter Liubavskii project. It kept the miraculous icon of St. Nicholas of Zaraysk, brought here in 1225 from Korsun. Now this icon is in the Museum of Ancient Art Andrei Rublev in Moscow. The walls and vaults of the temple are covered with paint, a renovated in 1912. The iconostasis of the XVIII century is richly decorated with carvings and gold leaf.

Church of St. John the Baptist was built in 1821 in the classical style, and in 1904 was rebuilt in the Empire style. Nearby is the building of a policeman Magistrate, built in the early XIX century.

Working in the Kremlin Museum, the exhibition which you can see a collection of paintings, sculptures, graphics, decorative and applied arts of Russia and Western Europe.

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Zaraisky Kremlin