Grozny Russian Drama Theater named after M. Lermontov
   Photos: Grozny Russian Drama Theater named after M. Lermontov

Grozny Russian Drama Theatre named after M.Yu. Lermontov appeared in Grozny in 1904, the first production of the theater were set Vakhtangov. In the 20-ies. Local authorities decided to rebuild the theater building, located at the Red Front Street, where the theater moved in 1928. The project was completed by the architect AP Larionov. Already in 1929 the playwright Romasheva theater was staged the play "The End Krivorymska."

The opening of the Grozny Drama Theatre took place in 1938. In 1941, which marked the 100th anniversary of the death of a famous Russian poet MY Lermontov Theatre, it was decided to name in his honor.

The theater had quite a diverse repertoire, where classical pieces alternated with the modern. During World War II theater group traveled to the front, where they showed performances for the military. In 1942, the theater was evacuated to eastern Siberia, where he stayed until 1944

In the 90-ies. during the Chechen war, most of the actors left the republic. Drama activities were resumed only in 2007. The theater did not have a concert hall, so the troupe was left no option as to rehearse in Grozny's House of Culture "Office".

In June 2012 in the city of Grozny, was inaugurated the new building of the Drama Theatre named after Lermontov. Room for spectators for 500 seats was made in the form of a sphere. Stage Grozny theater meets all the latest standards. The stage is designed so that even the most distant spectator seats are located at a distance of 17 meters from the stage and the orchestra pit on special jacks can both rise and fall. Also in the theater rehearsal room has a spacious, comfortable dressing rooms and production workshops.

With the Russian Drama Theater named after M. Lermontov linked the work of many well-known Russian and Chechen directors - Isayev Soltsaev, Khakishev, Beloglazova, Shapovalenko, Krasnitsky and others.

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