Church of St. Agnes
   Photo: Church of St. Agnes

Parish Church of St. Agnes in Medulin is also called the "Church of the Virgin and martyr." St. Agnes was the first patron of the church and parish. Saint Agnes Day is celebrated on January 21. The temple was built on the hill where previously housed a cemetery and a small church with a bell tower. Another patron of the parish - St. James. His day is celebrated on July 25. It's two patron of the city: winter and summer.

The parish church was consecrated in 1894 by Bishop of Porec and Pula John K. Flappom. Then the pastor was Andrew Bilik, a native of the city of Medulin.

The shape of the church is a basilica with three naves and an apse. The interior of the church was decorated by local craftsmen, and is now of great artistic value. However, the villagers who remembered the original appearance, were unhappy with the new rules. From the old finish preserved altar with a statue of Saint Agnes, chair and chandelier (chokes). On the arch of the apse we can see the year of construction - 1893, and the words from the Bible: "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men" (Rev. 21: 3).

The apse lined with mosaics of the artist from Split Josip Botter Dini. Mosaic murals depict scenes from the Gospels. In the center is a large picture of the crucified Jesus Christ. On the right we see other scenes from the Gospels: the Annunciation, the Birth of Jesus and His entrance into Jerusalem. Left: The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said to the crowds. On the walls of the side aisles shows the Way of the Cross.

At the parish church of St. Agnes has two bell towers, which were built on the east side. The construction was completed them before the First World War, around 1912. The bell tower were built of stone, and the dome - made of bricks. The height of a bell tower was 33 meters, the north tower - a little lower. The bell had three bells, which the Austrians took off during the war. Later, they put new, but two small bells taken away again. After World War II they have not returned. However, the biggest bell preserved to this day. It weighs 1,200 kg. Now four church bell is a large bell tower on the south, and three smaller ones - on the north.

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Church of St. Agnes