Fernando de Noronha
   Photo: Fernando de Noronha

The archipelago of Fernando de Noronha is composed of over 20 islands of volcanic origin. The populations is only one of them - the biggest. The average temperature is about 28 degrees Celsius. From March to September, the rainy season lasts.

Until the 19th century, the island was covered with forest, but after then built a prison, forests began to be cut down and is now a large area of ​​islands covered with bushes. Recently, the government of Fernando de Noronha drew attention to this situation and in some areas have planted a new forest.

In 2001, the archipelago was included in the UNESCO list of Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The main reason - it is important islands as a breeding ground for species such as billfish, sharks, tuna, whales, sea turtles. Important role played by the fact that the coast of the archipelago is home to a large number of dolphins.

Fernando de Noronha - one of the favorite destinations for tourists from around the world. Great attention is paid to the local authorities to develop eco-tourism. The island has excellent infrastructure: it is an airport, modern hotels, a large number of restaurants with sea food. The most popular national dish in the archipelago - a pie of shark meat. Among popular tourist cruises along the coast of Brazil.

Fernando de Noronha - a very popular place with surfers and fans of diving. Thanks to clean water and seabed in the area of ​​the archipelago, each year it attracts fans of diving around the world. When immersed to a depth of 25-40 meters, you can see the beauty of the local flora and fauna. Very popular among professionals enjoys sunk off the coast of Fernando de Noronha in 1987. Brazilian warship.

There is a well-known beach - Beach Kakimba to Padre (Cacimba do Padre). This is the most famous place of all the beaches of the archipelago. There is always strong waves and it is ideal for surfing. Also from here you can watch the famous Morro Dois Irmãos or rocks Two brothers. Golfinhos Bay is protected by the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources. Translated "Golfinhos" means "Dolphin Bay". Here it is prohibited swimming and boating. The bay is a haven for spotted dolphins.

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Fernando de Noronha
Rocas Atoll