Cathedral of Hydra
   Photo: Cathedral of Hydra

One of the main attractions of the beautiful Greek island of Hydra and its eponymous capital is considered to be a famous cathedral as well as the Church of the Assumption Monastery of the Dormition, or just "monastery". The Cathedral is the main center of the Greek Orthodox Church on the island of Hydra. It is located on the city's waterfront and it is impossible to miss (the main reference point is towering high above the harbor marble clock tower).

The first church and a few monastic cells were built here in 1643. In 1774, a major earthquake the original structure has been thoroughly damaged and subsequently restored Venetian architects.

KATHOLIKON monastery executed in Byzantine style and is impressive in its magnificence. Breathtaking and the interior with its marble iconostasis, superb frescoes, the earliest of which date from the early 18th century, chandeliers, a huge amount of gold and silver Byzantine icons, etc.

In the same monastery complex now has a variety of government agencies, including the mayor's office. In the courtyard are monuments to the heroes of the Greek Revolution in the struggle for independence from the Ottoman Empire (Theodoros Kolokotronis, Miaoulis Aedreasa, etc.) You will also see the tomb of Lazaros Kunturiotisa and war memorial dedicated to the Balkan wars.

Special attention certainly deserves and located in a former monk's cell is small, but very interesting Ecclesiastical Museum, founded in 1933. In the museum you can see various church relics, historical documents, magnificent vestments of priests, jewelry and more. The museum's collection is of great historical and cultural value.

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Cathedral of Hydra
Museum of Historical Archives Hydra