Great Pyramids
   Photo: The Great Pyramid

The Great Pyramids are the most famous landmarks in Egypt. They were built in the 26-23 century BC and located on the outskirts of Cairo on the left bank of the Nile, on the Giza plateau. They represent the three pyramids - Cheops, Chephren and Mycerinus.

Pyramid of Cheops - the largest pyramid, which is the largest man-made structure. One side of its square base is nearly 230 meters. The height of the Cheops pyramid was originally 147 meters, but due to the collapse of the upper blocks decreased by 9 meters. Total number of stone blocks is greater than two million, each of which weighs more than two tons. Clumps tightly adjoin one another, between some impossible to knife blade. Each face of the pyramid is focused on a single side of the world, you can enter the pyramid from the north. At this point in the pyramid are three burial room with an empty sarcophagus of granite slabs. Pyramid of Cheops plundered in ancient times, were stolen jewels and mummies. From the south of the pyramid is the boat of cedar wood, which today is the oldest ship.

Pyramid of Khafre height of 136 meters was built 40 years after the construction of the pyramid of Cheops. The length of the base side of the square - 215 meters. Previously, there were twenty-five statues of pharaohs and Khafre mummy.

Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three Great Pyramids, from the base of 108 meters and the initial height of almost 67 meters. Inside it is the only burial room, which is a depression in the bedrock of the pyramid.

Near the foot of the Giza are the remains of the Temple of the Sphinx, and a little further the monolithic statue of the Great Sphinx. Temple of the Sphinx is in poor condition, and a heap of stone blocks of pink granite.

The first researcher of the pyramids, which has produced a detailed study of the pyramids was Flindris Petrie. He determined that the side of the pyramid is strictly focused on the Earth's magnetic poles.

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Great Pyramids