Sebezhsky National Park
   Photo: Sebezhsky National Park

Sebezhsky National Park is located within a large Sebezh hill, which is a vast area known edge of the Valdai Hills, the width of which is 35 km .  Lowering the surface carried out in a southerly direction .  The most ambitious part of the park is covered mainly kame landforms .  Not only in the southern, central and parts of the park are the most common form flyuvioglyantsialnye and glacial relief surface .  Formation of relief occurred as a result of erosion, the effect of which is actively accelerated glacier, which belongs to the so-called Valdai glaciation .  Location of the park can be characterized as part of the Baltic and Valdai ridges, which are located on the border of the Valdai glacier .  With regard to the geological features, they are particularly common and are "rowing" - a kame ridge length can reach 10-12 km, width - 300-400 km at an altitude of 25-40 km in . 

It is worth mentioning that the climatic conditions Sebezh National Park can be characterized as moderate with long cold winters, moderately warm growing season and increased cloudiness. The lowest temperatures are -42-46 ° C, and the highest - 35 ° C; The average annual temperature is on average 4, 3-4, 6 ° C. On Lake Sebezhskoye average decade temperature in July after seven years of observations is 19 ° C. Spring frosts in most cases ends May 15, although at the end of September, they begin again. The park is mainly dominated by the western, south-western and southern wind, which reaches an average speed of 4 m / sec. Throughout the year there is about 19 days, during which continuous rain pour.

Territorial zone location Sebezh Park is located on the watershed basins of such rivers as the Great and the Western Dvina, yet all 20 rivers have a direct bearing on the Zapadnaya Dvina. We can say that the park is dominated by a dense network of rivers. Of all flowing rivers in the park, the most significant is the Black River, which flows into Lake Sebezhskoye, while the river flows out of Lake Nishcha Nishcha. If you judge them by the river regime, they all belong to the Eastern European type, which is due in large measure to the snow-fed. For all the rivers especially true inflated spring floods and summer low water is reduced.

In the area of ​​the park is dominated by Sebezhsky mainly podzolic, peaty-podzolic, sod-podzolic soil types, indicating that the rugged terrain, because of the complexity that is inherent in soils. The phenomena of erosion within the park is not observed.

As for the fauna of the national park, it is worth noting that there is most common in plant protection, although the area of ​​the park protected flora is not so rare. Among the plants can be called different kinds of rare mosses: giropor chestnut, blackberry staghorn, dog mutinus also vascular plants: Siberian iris, the Baltic paltsekornik doubly Liubka wading gammarbiya, pobegonosny young, ordinary wolf bark, tall primroses and many others. If you take into account the medicinal and food plants, then this area is particularly common cranberries, bog cranberries and blueberries.

Throughout the park you can find Sebezhsky swallowtail butterflies, crimson sashes; birds: mute swan, bittern, a small spotted eagle, little crake, crane, gray, tufted duck, goldeneye common, capercaillie. Among mammals, it is worth noting beaver, badger, marten, brown bear, elk, wild boar, roe deer European and many other representatives. In some reservoirs, a fairly high number of European eel.

In the national park "Sebezhsky" at the moment is particularly well developed road, water and pedestrian types of tourism, as well as developed ornithological routes and have a place to be two ecological trails.

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