Sebezhsky History Museum
   Photo: Sebezhsky History Museum

Sebezhsky History Museum covered in its entire history exhibits Cebezhskogo edge. The earliest material relating to the nature and historical development of the area, collects and processes a particular initiative and workable group consisting of teachers, in 1926. We know that by 1927 the team was able to collect about 286 different items, and in the summer of the same year the museum Sebezhsky fully involved in the museum's extensive network aimed at the line of reliable public education. While the area of ​​"younger" of the museum was only 58 square meters. m.

Before the Great Patriotic War in the museum fund totals more than four thousand different items, and allocated space for the museum exhibition it was already 206 sq.m. In times of war, in 1941-1945, the Nazi troops completely looted the museum building, for which reason the current museum exhibition ever disappeared without a trace.

After the war had passed, the collection of which is represented in the museum today, we had to collect and process all over again. The greatest emphasis in the course of these works was made on the fourth and fifth archives Kalinin partisan brigades operating in the Sebezh district at the time.

In 1979, the Regional Museum Sebezhsky Territory became part of the Association of Museums of the Pskov region. Currently, the museum presents Sebezhsky vast and rich collection of valuable materials and documents related to the period of the Great Patriotic War. Now Sebezhsky museum housed in sixteen showrooms, which are located in two buildings on a total area of ​​893 square meters. m., which put more than twelve thousand units. All the museum exhibits are arranged in chronological order, from ancient times until today. The museum is housed in a small castle of the prison, which was the construction of the second half of the 19th century; in this building the museum has existed since the late 1950s.

A significant part of the first floor of the museum building an exposition of nature, which presents some features Sebezhsky edge. Nature exhibition begins with a large display of fossils from prehistory found in macadam Maksyutinskom career, which was formed after World War II. As you know, Sebezh region has always been famous for its mighty forests. In the first room there are various examples of trees and large herbarium of various kinds of plants, including medicinal. Birds and animals are exhibited in a diorama-landscape for greater visibility. All exhibits are presented in a typical environment. Here are the elk, bear, fox, grouse, wild duck, magpie and crow.

The museum also has a department dedicated to the history Sebezhsky edge from the Neolithic and the early Middle Ages. This exposition is located in two rooms on the ground floor. Over the years, since 1940, in this area are the important work of archaeologists from the city of St. Petersburg: Gurevich FD, Miklyaeva AM, Tarakanov SA and many others. Archaeological expedition were discovered Neolithic sites, 23 towns, 10 Villages and tumuli 1470. A separate stand is devoted to ancient man.

The exhibition, entitled "History of the region from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century," is presented in a small hall. Here you can see an ancient coat of arms of Sebezh, wooden mock medieval fortress, various items of peasant utensils, pictures of the famous Castle Hill, where there was a city Sebezh, objects of urban life the 18th and 19th centuries and more.

The museum in the pipeline is an exhibition of art and objects of 17-20 centuries, but still there are some instances: the 17th century French tapestry, unusual music box, a collection of gramophones and samovars, and a collection of cold weapon 18-19 centuries. In addition, the museum organized gallery of paintings by Konstantin Mikhailovich Gromov, who for a long time was the director of the museum.

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