Church of Archangel Michael in the St Michael's Compound
   Photo: Church of the Archangel Michael in the St Michael's Compound

Church of the Archangel Michael - cultural and architectural monuments of the 17th century. It was built in 1650. Located near the town of Island, at the mouth of the river Kuhvy. In ancient times lived here bobyli, ie single landless peasants who used to live in such visit. St Michael's Churchyard is located on the Great River, on its left bank. This is a very picturesque place. The exact time of construction of the temple of Archangel Michael and the other becplotnyh-forces unknown. However, all assumptions indicate that it is about the 15th century. Thus, this church - the oldest in the area. Its walls, which for more than five centuries, testify to this.

According Klirovye statement, in 1790, he was attached to the right side-chapel of the Mother of God Hodegetria. Funds for the construction of the temple donated landowner Alexey Pozdov. Earlier, the church was painted, as evidenced by today traces of frescoes on the walls.

The sight of the church of Archangel Michael is an icon of St. Nicholas, which is located here. Even in appearance it can be said that this is an ancient icon. Also notable is the fact that in the porch there is an inscription on the burial in 1783 in this place Avdotia blue, and the wife of a collegiate assessor. No more information about it is not, perhaps it donated funds for the restoration and the beauty of the church. Under the walls of the church are buried other parishioners.

The church bell tower was built. Attention is drawn to two bells, which were poured during the reign of Boris Godunov. Funds allocated Sumorotskie landlords. Furthermore appearance of the temple until today has undergone great changes. In 1908 he began restructuring pridelnyh temple. Its area has increased significantly. Temple has improved markedly, became more in length and height. Also from the main temple it was taken out of the south wall. Instead, it was made of brick arch. Toward the end of 1909 the construction and decoration have been completed. After that, we put a new iconostasis, created by donations from parishioners. In 1910, the official consecration of the temple.

However, the fate of the church in the 20th century and reminds the sad history of other shrines and places of worship in Russia. In just half a century, in the 60 years the temple almost fell into neglect. When he died, the last priest who served here at this time, the temple was almost completely devastated and plundered. But its extinction did not take place, thanks to the work and prayers of the Mother Superior of Spaso-Kazan convent. Mother Prioress Marcellus made great efforts to revive the dilapidated temple. Her monastery courtyard is next to Michael's churchyard. In just three years the temple revived.

The first liturgy was held in the rebuilt temple in 2009. Today, almost a century after the last of his recovery, we can say that he has found a second birth, and his fate will not repeat the history of other churches, which are completely dilapidated and are gone. Now the Church is reborn parish. Pilgrims come. Here they are always happy. Near the temple, you can bathe in the two sources. Also there is the annual Children's Orthodox camp in two shifts, which is located at Holy Presentation Monastery. Rector of a father Dmitry, who lives next to the church. It is also a lot of work for the revival and restoration of the parish church.

Despite the fact that the church has changed markedly in recent years, it is still not enough money to complete her recovery. For example, in the wings waiting for the ancient painting to be restored.

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