Far Eastern Marine Reserve
   Photo: Far Eastern Marine Reserve

One of the natural attractions of the Primorsky Territory is an amazing Far Eastern Marine Reserve. The reserve was established in March 1978 for education and scientific research.

Marine Reserve is divided into four sections: three of them are located in the Khasan district of Primorye Territory, and another - in the Pervomaisky district of Vladivostok, on Popov Island. In addition, reserve secured the island, some areas of the mainland coastline and adjacent water area of ​​about 64,316 hectares. Maritime borders of the Far Eastern Marine Reserve surrounding marine protected zone.

Far Eastern Marine Reserve - a standard of unique coastal, insular and maritime nature in the southern Primorye. The reserve has more than 5,000 species of plants and animals.

Flora Marine Park consists of 706 species of plants. In the upper layers of water teeming phytoplankton. Dominating are 11 species of diatoms, causing a "bloom" of water. Calcareous algae dominated on the rocky habitat of starfish, sea urchins and mussels. The vegetation on the islands of the marine reserve is different and depends on the size of the island, environmental conditions and the extent of human influence. But despite this, all the islands you can find plants such as sedge Kobomugi, rank Japanese, Glen Seaside, ammodeniyu (long-tailed ducks), ragwort lzhearnikovy, cereal and other seaside lyme grass.

Quite a diverse marine fauna of the Far East and the reserve. In Peter the Great Bay of marine invertebrates is dominated by small animals such as the chaetognaths, various crustaceans, ciliates, Appendicularia, ctenophores, jellyfish and salps. The intertidal zone is dominated by isopods, polychaetes, bivalves and many gastropods.

Because marine mammals in a marine reserve is home to rare species of seal - Larga. The Coast Guard area can be found Amur forest cat, the Amur tiger, leopard, black vulture, white-tailed eagles and Steller's sea eagle.

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