Museum "Field of Poltava Battle"
   Photo: The Museum of the "Field of Poltava Battle"

"Field of Poltava Battle" - the State Historical and Cultural Reserve, the largest cultural scientific and methodological center dedicated to the Battle of Poltava, and the history of the countries that participated in the Northern War.

One of the first stationary Poltava museums - Museum of History of the Battle of Poltava - opened in June 1909 in honor of the 200th anniversary of the battles thanks to the initiative of prominent local historian I.Pavlovskogo. In 1981, the museum and memorial complex, which are connected with the Battle of Poltava, entered the State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Field of Poltava Battle", an area of ​​771, 5 hectares. On the territory of the ancient settlement are 4 and more than 30 burial mounds of Scythian times. In addition to the Battle of Poltava took place on the battle of Poltava Colonel M.Pushkarya with Hetman I.Vygovskogo troops, and in 1399 - Lithuanian prince Vytautas hordes of Tatar khans Temir Kutluya and Edigei.

The modern rooms of the museum offers unique exhibits of the end of the XVII century. and the Great Northern War (1700-1721): medals, engravings, portraits of Ukrainian Hetman, a collection of firearms and bladed weapons, maps, rare books, personal belongings of Tsar Peter I and other historic artifacts during the war. The largest museum hall housed a magnificent diorama, which depicts the last moments of the Battle of Poltava.

The composition of the reserve "Field of Poltava Battle" includes the following cultural monuments: Sampson Church (1856-1907), ten granite obelisks in place redoubts (1939), a monument to Peter I (1915), Museum of History of the Battle of Poltava (1909), a mass grave of Russian soldiers (1894), a monument of Glory (1811), a monument to the resting place of Peter I (1849), Monument to the Cossacks (1994) and other monuments.

"Field of Poltava Battle" is the only historical and cultural reserve in Ukraine, entered into the International Association of military history museums in the world, under the auspices of UNESCO.

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