In the south of the island, 42 km north-west of Yogyakarta, is a unique monument of medieval art of Indonesia - Borobudur ("monastery on the hill" or "temple of Thousand Buddhas", 778-856 gg.), Built in a 10-tier stepped stone pyramid height of 34 m. The walls symbolizing the sacred Mount Meru stupa is decorated with reliefs on the 1460 theme of Buddha's life or illustrate the Indian epic "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata", and in the niches and on the circular terraces are located 504 Buddha statues.

  Five-kilometer "expensive process" spiral surrounds all of this magnificent structure symbolizing the path of self-improvement and knowledge of the spiritual principle in man. On top of the buildings, in the center of the highest terrace, which offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountain landscape, there is a sanctuary with a diameter of 15 m., And symbolizing the supreme goal of spiritual freedom. It is the largest Buddhist monument in the southern hemisphere.

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Borobudur Temple
The temple complex of Prambanan
Taman Sari Water Castle
Temple Lara Dzhongrang (Prambanan)