Viydumyaesky Reserve
   Photo: Viydumyaesky Reserve

Viydumyaesky Reserve was founded in 1957. Although the special flora and interest was known to botanists since the middle of last century. Such a late date of the founding of the reserve related to the adoption of the Law on the Protection of Nature in the Estonian SSR only in 1957

The reserve is located in the western part of the island of Saaremaa. The main purpose of its creation is the preservation and study of relic communities and rare species of plants. The reserve is primarily famous for its plants. The fauna is not of great interest. It is home to the most common fauna of the island of Saaremaa. In the reserve 16 species of animals (squirrel, badger, roe) and 61 species of birds (including 2 rare - boreal owl, tawny owl). Flora is represented by 662 species of plants.

The reserve area - 0, 6 thous. Ha, the area covered by forests is 0, 5 thousand hectares. Length from the north - east to south - west 6, 5 km and the width of 700-1200 meters. Thanks to the richness and originality of the plant world and many of our foreign botanists call it a natural botanical garden.

The hill on which the reserve has risen from the sea about 8000 - 9000 years ago, and today it is the highest point, 54 m above sea level.

Viydumyaeskie slopes of the central hills. Saaremaa especially interesting geomorphological formations. These slopes, amid the flat terrain of the island stand out projections of bedrock and subsoil; the composition of the soil cover is a Silurian limestone formations, moraine and sand. On Viydumyaeskoy hill has hosted many small keys that form at the foot of the slope is quite extensive keyword swamp with significant deposits of peat.

The characteristic elements of the landscape Viydumyaeskogo reserve are prone forested and wooded meadows and marsh key with shrubs. The climate of the western part of the island of Saaremaa, including Viydumyaeskogo reserve, sea, soft. Frost-free period lasts 175-200 nightly days. The warmest month is July, the temperature is 18-19 °. Annual precipitation is 490-640 mm. Permanent snow cover, on average, from 27 December to 23 March, is held 78-85 days.

On the slopes and in the key bog grow rare species of relic plants Baltic. On the slopes and plateaus Viydumyaeskogo reserve forests grow different types alvarnye, lichen, heather.

Alvarnye forests occupy 95 hectares. Forest layer consists of Scots pine, spruce European and growing White birch, English oak. The shrub layer is mainly common hazel and juniper little less ordinary. The herb layer is dominated by meadowsweet shestilepestny, coppice common geranium krovyano - red, spring primroses, and some other species prefer lime-rich soil. For alvarnogo forest type is characterized as rare in the Baltic ivy and rowan aria, very rare tree, which is nowhere in the territory of the former Soviet Union, except in the reserve is not met.

Heather and lichen forest types prevalent in small patches in small areas (11, 5 ha). The dominant type of heath forests, which take primacy pine, spruce slightly less than in many juniper shrub layer. Herbal tier consists of a small number of plant species.

The most widespread in the reserve received, bilberry, cowberry, sorrel and zelenomoshniki (total area of ​​187 ha); dominated by cowberry.

In all of the forest types predominant tree is pine, spruce also occur, aspen and birch. The undergrowth is characterized by typical for Baltic conditions bushes. Herbal cover consists of different kinds of forest plants; dominated either cranberries ordinary or common sorrel, or blueberries, or green moss. Although the overall ground cover mostly quite sparse and poor views.

Rarely occurring pine forest type is oak understory. It grows on the plateau and at the foot of the slope. This type of forest is considered a relic, the occurrence of which in the present climate it is impossible period. In the forest tier along with pine oak grows in height of 10-12 m; meets and spruce. Herbal and shrub layer is quite diverse (geranium krovyano - red, meadowsweet shestilepestny, Kozelets low).

In addition to these, it is also common in the reserve and other forest types: deciduous with complex elements (75 ha) of lowland forests (29 hectares) of forest and transitional bogs (19 ha).

Here grow rare plants such as hairy oxytrope, rank black Kashubian peas, green peas, and St. John's wort chinovidny mountain.

Key shrub swamp is a valuable botanical treasure Viydumyaeskogo reserve. Its area is 77 hectares. For a rare species of plants include the following plants: sword - grass, pemphigus small, Liparis Lezelya, Pedicularis Charles scepter. Endemic to the island is a plant rattle ezelsky. This plant grows only on the island. Saaremaaa.

Rare plants are Drosera intermedia, pinguicula Alpine, gymnadenia aromatic, horsetail shershavozuby and hybrid skhenusov rzhavchatogo and blackish.

The main objective of the reserve is the study and preservation of relic communities and rare species of plants. This annual observation and various research. Currently composed of a large-scale map of vegetation Viydumyaeskogo reserve.

This is a great place to stroll and enjoy the fresh air, be at one with nature, get away from the bustle of the city, to get acquainted with rare species of plants.

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Viydumyaesky Reserve
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