Art gallery «Prima-South"
   Photo: Art gallery «Prima-South"

Art gallery «Prima-South" Novorossiysk - is the first in Krasnodar Territory private art gallery. It is located in the center of Novorossiysk, on the street of the Revolution in 1905 under the premise for the art gallery was proposed by one of the former cellars of the city.

In the art gallery «Prima-South" Visitors have the opportunity to visit the current exhibition of various works of art. In addition, you can not only get acquainted with the presented exhibits, but also buy them. In the gallery are: a collection of paintings, author jewelery, graphics, ceramics, sculpture, watercolors, as well as tapestries and many other kinds of arts and crafts. Art gallery «Prima-South" has a rich collection of Soviet art.

Professionals working in the art gallery «Prima-South" to help everyone who wants to create a private or corporate collections, assisting in the design of interiors, the choice of artists for the performance of the original orders. At the request of visitors to art galleries artists can perform copy famous works of art, including portraits, hold consultations on the issues of formation of collections and investment in works of art.

Art gallery «Prima-South" holds various art exhibitions, workshops, poetry and musical evenings. Includes gift and personal certificates, issued all the necessary documentation for the export of works of art abroad.

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