Palazzo Comunale
   Photo Palazzo Comunale

Palazzo Comunale - one of the main palaces in Grosseto, tourist attraction of the city. He turned on the facade of the northern extremity of Piazza Dante. Nearby stands the magnificent Cathedral of San Lorenzo. The left side of the facade of the Palazzo overlooks the street Corso Carducci - the main street of the historic center of Grosseto. Today in the Palazzo Comunale located Giunta (administrative executive body), the Municipal Council and the administrative offices of Grosseto.

Palazzo was built in the second half of the 19th century - or rather, in 1867, to house the City Council, which until then held the now destroyed building Palazzo Pretoria. In the place where today stands the palace once housed the church of San Giovanni Dekollato later secularized and adapted for storage. The church then finally demolished.

Palazzo Comunale consists of three floors. Its main facade is preceded by a portico of three semicircular arches, separated by pilasters powerful. Above the central arch on the small terrace set national flags. Two other semi-circular arches can go inside. The upper part of the facade is notable pediment with a clock.

The left side of the facade of the Palazzo Comunale in some features similar to the main façade - it are also doors with semicircular arches. The ground floor is paved with stone facades of the two, while the upper floors - completely plastered. In general, the overall style of the Palazzo Comunale can be attributed to the neo-Renaissance.

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Palazzo Comunale