Gallery Ilya Glazunov
   Photo Gallery Ilya Glazunov

Ilya Glazunov Gallery is located in an old mansion opposite the Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin. The mansion is located on the corner of Volkhonka and All Saints travel. This manor house, which belonged to the widow of General Dokhturov. The house was reconstructed several times.

Picture gallery of Ilya Glazunov was established on the basis of the decision of the Moscow Government in April 1999. The resolution highlighted the need to create a special museum, that it should be a museum of the first category and should be located in an old three-story mansion in Volkhonka.

Ilya Glazunov - Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, People's Artist of the USSR, professor, rector of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Art Gallery was created to preserve and provide access to a large number of paintings by Ilya Glazunov. A collection of paintings by the artist was transferred to the city to celebrate the 850th anniversary of Moscow.

The museum was officially opened in August 2004. The opening was timed to the celebration of the city. The exposition includes paintings, executed in a variety of genres: portraits of his contemporaries, landscapes, historical paintings, illustrations of literary works and drawings.

The gallery presents about 700 paintings of the author. In Icons Hall Museum has a large collection of icons and everyday objects of everyday life of old Russia, as well as a collection of furniture in the neo-Russian style of the 18th - 19th centuries.

In the gallery of Ilya Glazunov guided tours that introduce the permanent exhibition. Regular concerts of classical music, a variety of lectures, conferences, and many other fun activities. In the cinema museum shows a film about the life and work of the artist.

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