Temple Shōren-in
   Photo: Temple Shōren-in

Buddhist Temple Shōren-in (another name - Palace Avata), located on the slopes of Mount Higashiyama, known to his superiors are only relatives of the Japanese emperors, as well as the fact that in 1788, when the imperial palace was burned, the monastery Shōren-in began temporary residence and took the whole imperial court. At the same time the emperor lived in a fairly modest pavilion, which, after his departure, was turned into a tea house. In 1993 the house burned down, but was rebuilt in its original form.

The history of the temple began in the XIII century, when Buddhist Tendai was almost the official religion of Japan. Monasteries were Tendai on Mount Hiei, and the temple in Kyoto became the capital seat of the school. The first rector was the son of Emperor Toba, subsequent abbots were not strangers imperial family, but some also have made a significant contribution to the art and culture of Japan. So, the third abbot Dzien left to posterity a poetic anthology of more than six thousand pyatistishiya, as well as the first scientific work on the history and philosophy of Japan "Gukansё." Seventeenth in a row and the abbot of one of the sons of Emperor Fushimi became the creator of a unique style of calligraphy. Who is the abbot of a relative of Emperor Showa (Hirohito). It is believed that the temple Shōren-in clash between samurai and imperial branch of Japanese history, and because it is so interesting.

The main hall of the temple was restored in 1895, and next to the temple was built sintoistkoe Dziga Heian sanctuary, both of the building connects straight road. In 2005, the restoration of the church survived the main value - the mandala - the image of the universe, how it is seen by Buddhists. The relic was donated to the temple ruler Toyotomi Hideyoshi. In the center of the mandala depicts the Buddha Dainichi Nyorai.

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