Dong Duhater
   Photo: Dong Duhater

Among the most interesting and beautiful places in Ireland, special attention certainly deserve Aran Islands (administratively is part of County Galway) lying off the west coast of Ireland at the entrance to Galway Bay. Given this location, which makes it possible to monitor the coast and sea space for many miles around, it is not surprising that the Aran Islands have long been used as an important outpost. Even in prehistoric times, the islands were built forts, ruins of which can still be seen today.

One of these is the ancient forts and Dong Duhater ("black stone fort" or "black round fort") on the island of Inishmore. The ruins of the fort of Dun Duhater lie on a narrow rocky promontory, formed as a result of soil erosion, because of which, in fact, part of the once vast fortification and disappeared into the coastal waters of Inishmore.

The exact date of construction of the first facilities Dong Duhatera unknown. Historians believe that the walls have survived to the present day and reaching in some places six meters high and 5 meters wide, was built in the Iron Age, while the remains of residential structures, hidden behind the walls of the fort, were built already in the early Middle Ages. Along the outer wall you can see the remains of the so-called "slingshot" (stone blocks vertically dug into the ground), proven even in ancient times as a highly reliable additional protection that can hold back for a while intruders.

Today, Dong Duhater is an important archeological and architectural monuments, and although it is not as popular as the fort of Dun Aengus, and is a little bit away from the tourist trail, its definitely worth a visit.

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Dong Duhater