Church of the Assumption (Tomb of the Virgin Mary)
   Photo: Church of the Dormition (Tomb of the Virgin Mary)

Greek Orthodox Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - a cave temple in Gethsemane, Tomb of the Virgin, where, according to tradition, the Apostles buried the Virgin Mary.

His rights here also has the Armenian Apostolic Church to conduct services and other Christian denominations, other than Catholics and Protestants. The fact that the Western and Eastern branches of Christianity have different interpretations of the very Assumption (taking the Virgin Mary in heavenly glory after the completion of her earthly days).

The Gospel says that dying on the cross, the Son instructed his mother to the care the beloved disciple, the Apostle John. But Scripture tells us nothing about how it died Mother of Christ and where she was buried.

The dogma of the Catholic Church is that at the end of the earthly life of the body and soul of the Virgin was taken to heavenly glory. It is believed that it happened on Mount Zion, where now stands the Assumption Abbey. Was there a physical death of Mary - the question is open.

The eastern Christian tradition says that Mary died a natural death. Tradition says that the Mother of God appeared the archangel Gabriel, who warned her about the end of Earth days. Before his death, Maria wanted to see the apostles, and they are scattered all over the world to preach the Gospel, the clouds had moved to Jerusalem. Maria died peacefully apostles buried in the tomb, which already rested Her parents, Joachim and Anna and husband, Joseph the Betrothed. Only Apostle Thomas was absent - he came to Jerusalem on the third day, and asked to open the tomb to say goodbye to Mary. Stone was rolled away, only found in grave wrappings and felt wonderful fragrance.

The cave temple at the foot of the Mount of Olives - the one in which, according to the Eastern Christians, was buried the Virgin Mary. The first church was built over the tomb in 326 more zealous Christian Elena Equal to the Apostles, the mother of Roman Emperor Constantine. The temple was destroyed, but in 1161 it regained Jerusalem Queen Melisende.

To the left of the entrance, at the beginning of the bridge over the Kidron Valley, you see a small dome on the pillars - this is the tomb of the famous Muslim historian of the XV century Mujiri-ad-Din. Entrance to the tomb through the gates of the upper church by eight marble columns. Down down a broad staircase. On the way to meet the burial of Queen Melisende, side chapel dedicated to St. Joseph and the Virgin parents, holy Joachim and Anna.

The staircase leads to the lower church, partially carved into the rock. For many centuries, the walls are darkened by incense hanging from the ceiling a lot of candles. Chapel of Our Lady with the coffin is small, but there you can enter. The coffin represents a rough stone slab - legend has it that it was necessary and imperishable body of the Blessed.

Jerusalem Tomb of the Virgin Mary - is not the only place that the tradition associates with the disposal of Mary. There is a theory that the last years of life spent in the Our Lady of Ephesus (in present-day Turkey). There is a shrine, called the House of the Virgin Mary.

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