Hussain Sagar Lake
   Photo: Hussain Sagar Lake

Artificial lake Hussain Sagar is one of the many wonders of Hyderabad, located in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. It was created in 1562 on the orders of the ruler of the principality of Hyderabad Ibrahim Quli Qutb Shah, on a tributary of the River Musi, in order to provide the city with water. Its area at that time was 5, 7 sq. km.

His name was in honor of the pond Hussain Shah Wali, a man who helped the governor to recover from a serious illness. The lake is a connecting link between the cities bdiznetsami - Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Along named after the Mahatma Gandhi road, the embankment that separates them has 33 statues of prominent figures of the state. Unfortunately, at the moment they are partially destroyed. Especially great is the highway at night when it is lit lots of colored lights, for which he also called "diamond necklace" of the city.

On one of the shores of the lake is a wonderful park of Lumbini, which is famous for its musical fountains, and located on its territory, a beautiful temple Birla Mandir.

Right in the heart of Lake Hussain Sagar is its main attraction - a huge statue of Buddha made of solid stone, with a height of 18 meters. The idea of ​​erecting the monument appeared in 1985. 450-year-tonne figure of Buddha was carved from a single piece of white granite in two years, and on its development employs about two hundred artists. In 1988, the statue was brought to Hyderabad, and only in 1992, April 12, it was set on a pedestal in the form of red lotus.

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Hussain Sagar Lake
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