Volokolamsk Kremlin
   Photo: Volokolamsk Kremlin

Volokolamsk Kremlin - a unique monument of history, culture and architecture, is located at the city shaft. Resurrection Cathedral of the Kremlin is considered one of the best architectural works of the XV century. Domed temple, decorated with terracotta friezes, feature exquisite proportions. In its interior, one of the pillars, a fragment of painting the late XV century. Multi-storey bell tower was built in the XIX century.

Nearby is the brick Cathedral of St. Nicholas, built in the late XIX century, with architectural motifs of the XVII century by the architect KA Ton. In the 1880's it has been completed cathedral complex carved fence with decorative corner towers. Now the temple funds placed Volokolamsk Historical and Architectural Museum.

The museum exhibition presents the history of Volokolamsk Kremlin Territory with the IV. BC, a period of occurrence of the first man in the north-west suburbs. The undisputed interest are fragments of the exhibition devoted to the period of formation of the city (1135), the history of Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery (XV c.), The life and work of Ven. Joseph of Volokolamsk (1439-1515 gg.), The history of manors edge: Muravyovs-Romanov (p. Ostashevo) Goncharov-Chernyshev (p. Yaropolets).

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