River Tohmajoki
   Photo: River Tohmajoki

Tohmajoki River is one of the most attractive rivers flowing into the northern Ladoga area. It is located in the south-western part of the republic of Karelia, just north of the city of Sortavala. The source of the river is located in Finland, where Tohmajoki crosses the state border not far from Matkaselkya. The length of the alloy is 45 km away. The most convenient place for the alloy located in the village Sahankoski that 2 km east of the village Matkaselkya. The river has a lot of exciting rapids and small waterfalls, which are particularly interesting place in canoes or kayaks.

The river flows out of Lake Ruskoyarvi which is right on the border with Finland. Tohmajoki runs 50 km, the river level drops to 70 m, and then flows into Lake Ladoga. On the long way Tohmajoki forms Ruskeala waterfalls that flow into the picturesque cascades from a height of 3 m. Waterfalls are a complex consisting of four waterfalls, located in the site of the spill Tohmajoki. There is a special area designed for parking, pavilions and view waterfalls. In the spring season here runs a huge number of tourists, as well as extreme kayaking and catamaran. A considerable number of tourists dare themselves to pass waterfalls. In addition, there is a waterfall on the river, which belongs to the second category of complexity and often take tourists do not prefer.

Not far from Ruskeala waterfalls is another famous landmark - flooded quarry Ruskeala marble deposits. It come here only in order to see the famous bat.

The length of the rafting section Tahmyoki is 60 km away, but despite this, fully River can be completed in 3 days. Throughout the river there is a large number of interesting and challenging rapids. The most common areas 3, 4, 5 and sometimes 6 grade. River rapids are diverse: there are not only classical Shiver with chaotic shafts, but also steeply dipping and local thresholds.
Raft on the river Tohmajoki best in May and month passes when spring flood. Typically, the width of the river is 20 to 30 m, but in the summer the water is not so much. It was in May, absolutely all obstacles can be overcome by moving to frame courts. Before passing the threshold, it is necessary to carefully examine it. Tohmajoki perfect for those people who do not want to spend much time on the alloy.
The entire route of the river has 32 obstacles.

The most convenient starting alloy with a threshold called the "failure of the dam." Difficulty level of the third obstacle. At the same time, the river bed is divided into two branches: right - small, left - dammed. After the first phase will take place obstacles, follow a series of simple Greatest Shiver. Over the next few sections, you can see the road that leads directly to Ruskeala career.

A particularly interesting place is the passage of a river obstacle at number 20, which is called "Ruskeala waterfalls." On this site it is necessary to view the descent. Threshold waterfall is divided into two branches, and each of them is broken down further into two - it turns out that on the threshold of the sleeve 4 is formed. Each sleeve falls from a height of 4 meters under the direction of different angles. You can pass all 4 channels, only the levels of difficulty they are different.

Another interesting place is the obstacle, "Waterfall." View it is mandatory because the "Waterfall" is the second category of complexity. Hurdle is a wide waterfall, which has a strong spillway with a total drop of 8-9 meters. Obnosov you can take on both sides, but left most preferred due to convenience. Left Bank has a clearing for lunch. After passing the waterfall, Tahmayoki poured into a small circular lake on which coast you can relax in the spruce forest.

The last obstacle that awaits travelers on the river Tahmayoki - "Dam". This place has the fourth grade. Here the river is blocked by the wall, through the window to which the height of 4 m can be tough to get into the barrel. After passing the dam the route ends.

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