Tower Metsgerturm
   Photo: Tower Metsgerturm

Metsgerturm Tower, which translates as "tower butcher", also known as the "leaning tower of Ulm." Metsgerturm is a well-preserved part of the medieval fortifications, or rather their gates. The square brick tower with a narrow pointed arch and ends with the passage of a steep roof, built in 1345. At an altitude of about 36 meters tower Metsgerturm rejected northwest around 2 meters. The angle of the building is 3, 3 ° (a little less than the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa).

With the "Leaning Tower" is connected one of the most interesting urban legends. In a bad year, when the meat was too expensive, butchers Ulm began to add to the sausage and hot dogs chips. The price of them remained unchanged. Outraged by such antics citizens rebelled and locked the deceivers in the city tower. Residents demanded that the City Council and Mayor hard punishment for butchers. When an angry Mayor of Ulm came into the room, frightened and fat sausage makers stepped back a few paces and huddled in one corner. Then the tower leaned over and could not stand very well-fed scams. Since then, well worth it "Tower butcher" heeling, recalling those early events.

Of course, it's not a beautiful legend. In fact Metsgerturm tower "falls" through the fault of the medieval builders, install it on the swampy ground.

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