Zavidovsky scientific experienced reserve
   Photo: Zavidovsky scientific experienced reserve

Zavidovsky scientific experienced Reserve - a protected natural area with the status of a national park and is an object of national heritage. Zavidovsky National Park is located in the Tver and Moscow regions, in the Upper Volga lowlands.

The reserve was founded in 1972 on the basis of hunting that has existed here since 1929. The area of ​​the reserve is 125 hectares, including more than 79 thousand hectares of forest, more than 17 thousand hectares of meadows, about 1, 1 thousand hectares of reservoirs .

In the 16th century. there was a hunting hut Tsar Ivan the Terrible. In the 1920s. in the forest on spring hunting I loved coming VI Lenin

In July 1929 near the village of Kozlov created Zavidovsky hunting, referring to the Moscow Military District by woodland, covers an area of ​​about 13 thousand hectares. In 1935 the farm from the Far East and from Nalchik, and in 1941 - were brought here from Latvia boars, spotted deer and deer. In August 1951 the military-hunting was disbanded, and the lands transferred Kozlovsky cloth factory.

In the 1960s. it was decided to re-establish exemplary Zavidovo hunting. Here during his visits to the Soviet Union came to Fidel Castro, Josip Broz Tito, Eric Honecker, Janos Kada, Urho Kekkonen. In the days of Khrushchev and Brezhnev Reserve further expanded. In the village of Kozlov for Brezhnev was built cottage, decorated inside and out with marble, granite, fine wood; tower made of pine, a hotel with 12 rooms "suite" with a pool table and cinema. Leonid Ilyich liked to go hunting in Zavidovo. Hunt served by 463 soldiers. Killed game taken away in Kozlov, where there was a sausage-smokehouse, where trophies carve, and are prepared sausage stew. For holidays, members of the Politburo, Secretary of the Central Committee and Politburo member were brought here fresh meat, ham and other meats, poultry, hunting sausages in ceramic casks, selected fish, berries, honey.

At the beginning of the 1970s. in Zavidovo conducted reconstruction and construction of new facilities. In 1971, on the basis of hunting created a scientific and an experienced reserve. In February 1992, Boris Yeltsin signed a decree establishing the State complex "Zavidovo" that included the National Park and the suburban presidential residence. In August 1996 goskompleks "Zavidovo" received the status of residence of the President of Russia.

The relief of the reserve in Zavidovo - plain and moraine, the average height above sea level - less than 150 m. Reserve flow several rivers, among which the most notable - it Jauza Lama, Shosha. The rivers are low banks. There are a lot of lakes, wetlands and other water bodies. The structure of the natural complex includes Shoshinsky reach Ivankovo ​​Reservoir (Moscow Sea).

The territory is divided into three categories: not guarded, protected and specially protected. At the border of the national park includes 90 settlements with 20,000 inhabitants.

The reserve is covered by mixed forests, marshes and wetlands. The vegetation of the reserve - coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests, meadows, aquatic vegetation shallows. The predominant trees - pine, spruce, birch, alder, and there are also aspen. The fauna is represented by 41 species of mammals; in these forests are home to valuable hunting animals: foxes, roe deer, wild boars, weasels, rabbits and hare hare, elk, ermine, lynx, brown bear; birds - grouse, grouse, partridge, grouse; nests on ponds waterfowl - Teal and Garganey teals, kryakvashilohvost, Shoveler, Common Pochard, Tufted Duck, Goldeneye. The reservoirs are found: carp, bream, silver bream, ide, rudd, perch, tench, pike, chub, perch, burbot. The Reserve brought spotted deer, deer and beavers.

Zavidovo According to UNESCO is one of the cleanest places on the planet.

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