Ascension (Leontief) Church
   Photo: Ascension (Leontief) Church

Church of the Ascension of the Lord is in the south side of the city, namely in the central part of the main square. In the past, the tenements, located not far from the Volga River, located built wooden church consecrated in honor of Leonty of Rostov. In 1795 a stone church was built with the support of the Romanov merchant Syreyschikova Gregory. Thus, with the support of parishioners and benefactors built a large stone temple. There are credible reports that tell of what was once on the site of the Church of the Ascension, there were two, built of wood. One of the churches - cold, burnt down in 1743 due to a devastating fire, and the second church - Pyatnitskaya is warm and also burned but was rebuilt and has existed for some time. After several decades, the church also burned Pyatnitskaya, after which it was decided not to restore more of her.

As you know, Romanov merchants have always been famous for its generous donations, so helps with the improvement of temples. With the support of her son and his father Novikov Ascension Church is constantly repaired and updated, buy the necessary church utensils and accessories, clothing, books, and even had purchased a house with two floors for church parable.

Ascension Church - a stone, crowned with five domes and using a belfry. Summer temple was originally painted, but after closing the painting were just painted with oil paint, but the faces of the saints, even today, protrude through the paint. Consecration of the upper church made in honor of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, and the church was consecrated in 1880 in honor of St. Leonty - Rostov bishop.

The belfry was built in 1810. Church of the Ascension has four thrones, the first of which was consecrated in the name of the Ascension of Christ, the second - in honor of the icon of Our Lady of "The Omen", the third - in the name Paraskeva and the last - in the name of the saint - St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The walls of the temple for a long period of time is an ancient and especially valuable icons, which include icons of saints miracle workers, Reverend Leonty of Rostov, St. Sergius of Radonezh, the Virgin Mary, referred to as "Unexpected Joy" icon called "Crucifixion", equipped with a particle of the sacred relics, large cross containing particles and Honest Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Among all of the icons and relics of the most revered has always been a miraculous icon Paraskeva - the Holy Martyr. All residents especially sensitive to this image, because it Paraskeva healed from eye diseases, and it was worshiped as the patron saint, and mentor youth.

In 1609, the city badly destroyed the Polish-Lithuanian troops. According to ancient legend, when the kidnappers decided to take an image of the Cathedral of St. Paraskeva, I was struck by their dark blindness, for which reason they were unable to carry out his evil plan - to steal the image of the temple. It is thus an icon of the Great Martyr Paraskeva Romanov remained at the ground.

Over time, the church was closed, and the holy image transferred to another - Protection Church. In the mid-1930s due to the outbreak of storms of atheism, the church of the Ascension almost fell under the number is closed, but still was able to survive and continue its activities. But the new scourge could not get around the temple of the party in 1960, he still was closed due to arranged by Khrushchev.

In 1989 the church was again transferred into the possession of the Russian Orthodox Church. At the moment the temple is applicable, after numerous renovations and restorations. The church held worship.

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