Château d'Ussé
   Photo: Castle of Ussé

Château d'Ussé is located in the French department of Indre-et-Loire. The castle stands on the edge of the Chinon forest and towering above the river Indre.

The first inhabited this territory Gallic and Roman tribes, the remains of burial mounds times of that era. City Ussé appeared in the VI century and was an important strategic positions guarding the road to Chinon.

The first fortress, surrounded by a palisade was built in 1004 lord Ussé. Then the territory was ceded to the Counts de Blois, who in 1040 built a stone castle here. In the XV century, lies in ruins castle of Ussé was purchased by Jean V de Bёyem, famous French military leader, who became lord of Ussé in 1431. Restoration of the castle began in 1440. Since 1456 the lord of Ussé his son, Antoine, who in 1462 married Jeanne de Valois, King of France, illegitimate daughter of Charles VII and Agnes Sorel. Get more dowry, he held a series of restoration work, during which the castle was rebuilt in accordance with the style of the XV century. But in 1485, Antoine finally went bankrupt and was forced to sell the castle to Jacques d'Espine.

Jacques d'Espine, Breton, rose to the rank of chamberlain at the King Charles VIII and Louis XII, continued to improve the castle. In 1521 the castle was added Ussé church, which later became the ancestral burial d'Espine. And in 1538 it was built the church of St. Anne.

Château d'Ussé has replaced many more owners, which include the Duchess and Suzanne de Bourbon, the Duke of Savoy, Henry. In 1664, around the castle park was laid out, designed by the famous French landscape architect André Le Nôtre. Castle podvёrgsya restructuring and acquired traits, typical for the style of XVI-XVII centuries.

At the turn of the XVII and XVIII centuries in the castle Ussé often hosted such famous personalities as a military engineer Marquis de Vauban and writer Charles Perrault. It is believed that this castle is described in the famous fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty". In the XVIII century castle and the great Voltaire stayed here he wrote the poem "Genriada."

In 1807 the family acquired the castle Duras. In March 1813 in the castle secretly met the royalists, including representatives of the noble families of three or de Montmorency. They discussed the possibility of restoration of the Bourbon monarchy.

In 1817, around the chapel of the castle of Ussé it was planted cedar of Lebanon brought from the Holy Land by the French writer Chateaubriand, another wife of the owner of the castle. The writer also often stayed here and worked on his memoirs "sepulchral notes."

Near the main staircase hangs a portrait of King Louis XVIII, who gave himself the king of the castle owners. In 1835 he worked on the restoration of the castle of the famous Swiss architect Dyusilёn.

Since 1885 the castle belongs Ussé Duc de Blacas. Since 1931 he is considered a monument of culture and arts.

Château d'Ussé is made in two architectural styles - from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and some elements relate to the period of classicism. The park around the castle was laid out during the reign of Louis XIV by the famous French landscape architect André Le Nôtre.

Among the rooms of the castle is particularly special interest guardhouse, which is the great hall of the XV century, located at the entrance to the castle. The ceiling of the XVII century in the Italian style is made from artificial marble. Now the hall has a collection of east, in particular the Indian weapons that were brought in the XIX century by Count Stanislas de Blacas, the Indian military. The room is more a Syrian cedar chest, which shows figures of ivory, depicting Indian monuments, including the famous Taj Mahal. Also in the room you can see a collection of Chinese porcelain and family tree kind of de Blacas.

More from the interior of the castle is necessary to note the beauty of Vauban. Previously, there was a medieval chapel, but in the XVII century the room remade into the office. Of particular interest is the Italian secretary of ebony, consisting of 49 boxes hidden. The rest of the furniture - in addition to the so-called "bureau Mazarin» (XVII century) - a member of the Regency (XVIII century) and a specially made on wheels, so it was easier to move. The walls are decorated interior as well as Brussels tapestries depicting scenes from the Bible stories about David and Goliath, and portraits - of Madame de Maintenon (mistress of King Louis XIV) and writer Chateaubriand. Above the fireplace hangs a picture of "The Feast of Belshazzar» XVII century.

Another series of Brussels tapestries stored in a large gallery that connects the east and west wing of the castle. Also, there is a copy of a bust of Louis XIV of authorship Bernini.

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