Staraya Ladoga fortress
   Photo: Staraya Ladoga Fortress

Staraya Ladoga fortress is located on the bank of the Volkhov near the bridge over the river Ladozhka. The first castle on the site was built back in 1114, about the same time there was a church inside the fortress. However, the present appearance of the fortress belongs to the XV century.

Most of the fortress wall - ruins, more like a rock, but the thickness of the walls up to five meters in places, and they are composed of impressive boulders. Restored to its original form (the walls are lined, the towers placed wooden tents), only one area with two low, but incredibly thick towers - Clement and gate. On the side wall of the Volkhov almost preserved. The other three towers - Inker, turnouts and Taynichnaya - are in ruins.

Inside the fortress there are two church. George Church is a typical ancient temples of XII century: hooded head, pozakomarnoe cover. Home jewel temple - murals executed in the middle of the XII century. In the apse of the altar placed image Marian cycle; in the apse diakonnika - military scenes and saints. The largest mural - the image of St. Nicholas, surrounded by a kind of frame of paintings imitating marble. The best preserved domed composition "Ascension" and images of prophets in the piers of the drum.

Nearby is a wooden church Demetrios 1731 - one of the few urban wooden churches. In the plan it is quite simple, and has one Glaucus, covered shingles. Inside the church Demetrios exposition Museum.

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