Benesov nad Ploučnice
   Photo: Benesov nad Ploučnice

One of the most beautiful Bohemian cities Benesov nad Ploučnice is located 22 km from the capital of the Ústí region. He appeared on the banks of the River Ploučnice around the fortress in 1450. In those dark days of merchants and artisans, farmers and moneylenders tried to settle near the large and powerful strongholds, the garrisons of which can provide their wards at least some guarantee of a quiet life.

Today in search of the castle have to go to the central square of the city called Benes náměstí. It is concentrated and other major attractions Benešov nad Ploučnice.

Benes Square - a large open space with a constant Marian column in the center. She put on the tradition of those years, when the plague was over and people could breathe easy. It is set near the Town Hall, built in the XIX century, which still sits city magistrate.

On the eastern side of the square is the building in which previously worked brewery. Now it is closed. Next to it you can see the old house, dated 1543 year. It is this date can be seen on the facade of the building. There's also the name of its architect and builder - Walt Hirsch Zannenberg background. Not long ago, this building housed the administration of the brewery.

The main temple of the city is not in the center, and on a small hill on the outskirts of the city. His, however, can be clearly seen from any point of Benešov nad Ploučnice. Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary was built in 1480, so is almost the same age as the fortress, which was the forerunner of the present castle. Inside the church you can see the chapel, where the calm of the place most famous and wealthy people installed boards made in the Renaissance style.

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