Kruzhilinskiy Memorial and Historic Site
   Photo: Kruzhilinskiy Memorial and Historic Site

Kruzhilinskiy historical-memorial complex was named after the hamlet Kruzhilinskiy, which is located in the upper reaches of the Don. Despite the fact that the farm is located in the prairie provinces, it is known around the world as the birthplace of writer Mikhail Sholokhov.

Some one hundred years ago in these places was a wild, almost untouched steppe feather grass and tall mounds on slopes with shrub vegetation in the ravines and gullies, with mighty trees in the floodplains of the Don and its tributaries. The fenced enclosures on the lands of the Don Cossacks were grazing herds of horses. In the early XX century farmhouse there are about two hundred yards, stood in the center of the church in honor of St. George, near - shop merchants, wealthy monastery Cossacks, shops, a church school. Here, in 1905, in the family steward merchant Paramonov - Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov future writer was born and spent his first five years, until the family moved to Kargin. Manor Sholokhovs located in the center of the hamlet, had a wonderful orchard, a large courtyard, a shop, a bath, a barn, stables. Manor restored and is a part of the Museum-Reserve of MA Sholokhov.

Today, this place works amazing museum - Kruzhilinskiy memorial and historical complex, which includes several facilities: parental homestead M . A .  Sholokhov Cossack farmstead late XIX - early XX centuries, a monument to the Cossacks "Quiet Flows the Don" .  The monument is located seven kilometers from Kruzhilinskiy on the road from Veshenskaia .  Cossack farmstead is located in Kruzhilinskiy as part of the complex opened in 2006 .  This reconstruction of the Cossack yard smoking, glaciers, and glacier stables, barn and Baz - a place for livestock and poultry .  Near roofed contains unique sample household equipment Don village .  Livestock and poultry - alive and real, so visitors can not only see this household, but also to feed the animals, milk the cow, lit the stove and enjoy traditional Cossack cuisine - fried in lard, crumpets with honey, stewed fruit Don .  In the courtyard is a traditional harvest festival - "Kruzhilinskiy cleanup" .  During the festival, the audience can actually travel back in that era, to see harnessed oxen, horses, and try to plow the land zaboronit, grind the grain on the old millstones, and see the traditional Cossack costumes, take part in the festival and feast, to buy souvenirs . 

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