Botanical Gardens were established in 1891 in Roseau - Dominica capital . In these gardens have collected more than 50 species of flowers, trees and shrubs . In the thickets of plants you can see a variety of birds, reptiles and butterflies . The gardens to this day divided into 2 parts - one can see the trees, which are used for economic purposes, but in another part has an exotic and ornamental shrubs and plants . In the garden there is a reserve of parrots, where you can see two rare species: Jaco and Sisseru . Gardens have experienced a lot of hurricanes and tropical storms, the strongest of which - Hurricane David, who was in 1979 . A lot of trees and bushes have been uprooted, many flowers and plants were simply destroyed . The garden is still a huge baobab tree, crushing the bus, as a reminder of this terrible hurricane . This is a wonderful place not only for walking, but also for a variety of games and activities . It held Creole in the Park - a music festival within the festival in honor of the country's independence . Botanical gardens are considered one of the most beautiful places in the Caribbean .
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