   Photo: Capitol

Since ancient times, the Capitol was the center of social, political and religious life of the city. There was a temple dedicated to Jupiter Capitolinus. This explains the name of the Capitol, which later began to be used to designate the entire area as a whole. On the slopes of the Capitol, one of the most sacred hills of Rome, though inferior to the height of the other hills have always been focused government.

Currently, it is the top of Capitol Square, designed by Michelangelo. It is surrounded by magnificent palaces, and in the center stands the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius. Ellipses and volute decorating the pavement area created under sketches of Michelangelo. The statue of Marcus Aurelius, which once stood at the Lateran Square, was brought to the square of the Capitol in 1538, and probably Michelangelo never imagined that it would serve as a decorative element in this area.

Senatorial Palace, the New Palace and the Palace of the Conservatory flank area, re-built during the Renaissance. New Palace and the Palace of the conservatory, designed by Michelangelo in the XVI century, alike as twins, their facades and Corinthian pilasters; Both attic crowned with a balustrade decorated with statues. Entrance to the Senatorial Palace (architects - Rainaldi and Della Porta) features two beautiful staircases. The interior of the palace is full of magnificent salons such as Salon banner Salon chariots, Green Salon and others. In the New Palace and the Palace of the Conservatives Capitoline Museums are located. Here assembled an extensive collection of Greek and Roman sculptures.

The first mention of the church of Santa Maria d`Arakoeli refers to the VII century; in the tenth century it became a Benedictine abbey and then proceeds to the brotherhood of Minorites, who undertook its renovation in 1320. The building is crowned with a gable roof; facade decorated with three portals with three windows above them. The central portal is framed by a small portico with two columns. The severe facade of the XIV century enliven two relief sculptures of the Renaissance, placed on two side portals and depicting Sv.Matfeya and St. John.

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