Memorial novosokolnichan
   Photos: Memorial novosokolnichan

In the spring of May 9, 2005 in the city of Novosokolniki, which is located in the Pskov region, held the grand opening of the so-called "Memorial novosokolnichan who sacrificed their lives for the independence of their homeland" .  This monument is a great wall, painted white, and its central part is lined with red brick, the color that corresponds to the Kremlin wall .  It is this section called "The Kremlin wall" on the idea of ​​the author actively symbolizes the heroic feat of protection, which was valiantly manifested in difficult times to protect the Motherland .  Just before the monument is made of granite monument on which there is an image of a red star, the central part of the flame of fire which breaks out the Eternal Flame .  On the white wall, there are four shield, which is registered information of all those killed and missing people during the Great Patriotic War .

The first panel has an inscription that erected a monument was erected in honor of the 60th anniversary of the long-awaited victory in the Great Patriotic War, which had just 2005. On other boards have information that in Novosokolnichesky District in 1941 the population was about 64,000 people, given that the city Novosokolniki at that time lived 10 thousand. During the war on the battle fronts killing more than three thousand residents of the area, underground killed another 134 people in the guerrilla ranks - 492 Germans were killed 545 innocent people and 3250 people just disappeared.

During the occupation German fascists Novosokolnichesky District was destroyed about 150 collective farms, 179 villages burned, completely destroyed 107 schools destroyed more than 85 km of railways, as well as about 70% of all residential buildings of the region. In addition, on the boards of several prominent names of Heroes of the Soviet Union, and the two gentlemen who were awarded honorary Order of Glory.

In the future, the famous Monument will be placed on several information boards on which are written the names of all the victims Novosokolnichesky District residents during the Great Patriotic War, as well as military operations in Chechnya and Afghanistan. In total, over a period of continuing the war in Novosokolnichesky District killed and missing more than seven thousand people.

The idea concerning the construction of the monument belongs to the veterans of World War II, which was supported by the local administration. The author of the project for the construction of the Monument began earlier worked in the Pskov region chief architect Vladimir Bessonov.

The first tab of stone for the construction of this important memorial in the city Novosokolniki took place in 1997, and then held fairly long and laborious work related directly to its creation. Installation of the monument was made on the money the district administration and residents Novosokolniki. In the long-awaited opening ceremony of the Monument to the present Mikhail Kuznetsov, who at the time governor of the Pskov region.

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