Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin in Meletovo
   Photo: Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin in Meletovo

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary built during the 1461-1465 period. Over the west portal is an inscription, which indicates that the customer has become a temple posadnik YI Krotov In 1465 on the orders of the church Pskov posadniks Z. Puchkova and Frenkel Krotov was painted with frescoes. At the end of the 16th century chapel was built in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and. Not only the church but the church and chapel were built of boards, and the porch built of brick.

In 1798, on the funds from the village landlord Lyashev Vygolovo, as well as by donations from parishioners and church bell tower was added, built of brick. Church bell tower had five bells, the largest of which weighed 62 pounds and had an inscription in which it was mentioned that the bell was arranged thanks to the diligence of the parishioners of the church Meletovskoy churchwarden at Pavlovsk Herodium, Father Alexander and Alexander Boikova Opotskom. The second bell was an inscription that he was cast in 1724 for 22 days at the Wizard Theodore Maximova; the weight of the bell was 41 pud. The third bell was cast at the headman Olkhovikova John John's, at the Theodore Klementeva. The fourth bell found no inscriptions. The fifth bell has an inscription that mentions suburban man Nyquist Theodore.

In the church of the Assumption had two throne, the chief of which was consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Virgin, and pridelnyh - in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and. Next to the church is the old cemetery. In 1843, it was arranged another cemetery, which was named Belohnovo, located on the territory of the village peasant land Gladuhino.

The parish had six hours. One was located in the village of Zagorje, and was consecrated in honor of Laura and Flora; its construction took place in 1858 at the expense of local residents. The second chapel was built in 1863 for the needs of the villagers removal of the bodies of dead people in the village Maramorka and was consecrated in honor of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk. In a village called Swamp is a chapel in the name of Intercession of the Virgin Mary, which was built for the residents of 1882. In the village of Vygolovo is a chapel consecrated in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God at the expense of the owner of the village Lyashev, but the exact time of its Exaltation unknown. The village Zenkovo ​​- a chapel in honor of Alexander Nevsky, built in memory of the death of the Emperor Alexander II Russian at the expense of local residents in 1887. In a village called Selyatino is a chapel consecrated in honor of St. Venerable Nicander, in place of the previously burnt buildings in 1882.

January 25, 1895 entered into force conviction on the establishment of the parish trusteeship .  In the late 19th century, the village landlord Lyashev Vygolovo gave an almshouse for elderly women yard .  Up until 1830 it contained a hospice landowner, and after his death became the willing to stay solely on donations, and from 1893 on cash savings and loan associations Bystretsovskogo .  Beginning in 1863, the son of a priest named Alexander Opotsky opened a private school .  During 1867 a new school was taken to the county district council .  We know that every year in school were taught about 65 students .  The church parish school was located in a village called Zenkovo .  The school building was wholly owned by a certain teacher Tsvinevoy A . F . And it was built on the land of peasant .  For school funds were allocated from the parish board of Videlibskogo .  The parishes were opened 5 Zemsky schools in villages: Dubonovichi, Meletovo, Gore-Kamensky, Maramorska, Selyatino .  The exact time of establishment of schools is unknown .  By 1900, there were in 6095 parish parishioner .

Beginning in 1912, it was introduced by a detailed study of temple murals. In the period 1958-1968 years in the church were carried out repair work at the same time, strengthened floors and walls, as well as restored gable roof. In today's time the temple inactive and is the subject of museum display.

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