Horse-stone chapel and Arseny Konevsky
   Photo: Horse-stone chapel and Arseny Konevsky

Horse-Stone is one of the most striking sights Priozersk District. It is a huge boulder of granite gray tones with streaks of quartz the size of about 9 × 6 m, height of a little more than 4 meters and weighing more than 750,000 kilograms. Located on the island of Konevets (Lake Ladoga), 7 kilometers from the coastal village of Vladimirovka.

In historical terms, the stone is one of the rare surviving pagan shrines. There is a theory that once carried with him the pagan rituals. Form boulder remotely similar to the horse's head. Probably came here and his name.

Legend tells that the Karels Konevets used the island as a summer pasture for their horses, and every year on this rock sacrificed a knight. This legend was born in the description of the life of Arseny Konevsky drawn up in the XVI century, about a century after the death of the ascetic. The author is Konevsky abbot Varlaam.

Reverend Father Arseny, who arrived on the island in the late XIV century, according to legend, met here fisherman Philip and learned from him about sacrifices. Arseny found this place "the forest primeval forest surrounded by demonic terror". Monk spent the whole night in prayer, and in the early morning made a procession around the boulder with the icon of the Virgin and sprinkled it with holy water. Tradition says that the evil spirits, like soot, jumped out of the stone and turned into black crows flew away to the opposite shore of Lake Ladoga, has received since then the name of the Devil's Bay (Sortan-Lahti). Together with the demons, according to legend, the snake disappeared and (Konevets Island is the only island in Lake Ladoga, where snakes live).

In honor of this event at the top of the stone it was installed a small wooden chapel in the name of Arseniy Konevsky. Reliable information about when it was built the first chapel on the horse-stone was found. Perhaps it was at the beginning of foundation of the monastery.

During the Swedish desolation, a chapel was destroyed and rebuilt with the abbot Ilarion only in 1815. The height of the chapel was about 3 meters, there was a small gallery. Inside were located "simple operation" icon and a cross made of wood.

Contemporary chapel with nice window frames, decorated propyl thread, was built in the late XIX century, to be exact, in 1895, and today is completely restored.

The chapel can be reached by a wooden staircase. The interior is devoid of decoration, characterized by simplicity and humility: the ceiling and the walls are painted white paint colors. Only on the east wall you can see 2 icons of contemporary writing: one - in the name of St. Arseny, the other - in honor of the Mother of God Konevets. Before icons set lectern for the reader.

From the chapel the path, you can reach a wide road that if the head of her left takes you back to the monastery. If you go to the right, just a few meters can be on the beautiful shores of Lake Ladoga. Further along the coast road leads to the northern tip of the island Konevets. Directly from the boulder in the forest takes another road leading to Snake Mountain, and then lost in the thicket.

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