Jesuit church of St. Name of Jesus
   Photo: Jesuit Church of St. Name of Jesus

Church of the Holy Name of Jesus is part of the school complex, which was founded by the wife of the owner of the city William Slavata - Mrs. Frantisek. First, in 1651 he was elevated to the College, which disposed of the Jesuits, and in 1669 it was attached to the church, consecrated in the name of Jesus. A little later to the existing buildings has made the hostel, which was supposed to settle the children, singing in the church choir.

The construction of the baroque Jesuit church was entrusted to the architect Stefano Perth, visiting from Italy in Telc. Construction did not take long, so less than a year after it began as a temple consecrated Bishop Charles II of Liechtenstein-Kastelkorn.

Although the temple and do not undergo further alterations, this is not the buildings that surround it. Photograph main facade of the church will not be possible, because it is not visible at the neighboring buildings. From the side of the square is visible only one wall of the church.

Church of the Holy Name of Jesus worked long: it was closed simultaneously with the expulsion of the Jesuits from the Czech Republic. It happened in 1774. The complex of the Jesuit college, and together with him and the temple were given to the local garrison, whose leadership then arranged a dormitory for soldiers. Naturally, the question of preserving the values ​​that are in the church, did not go. Later in the temple housed the local school, and now he is given the University of Brno.

Once in the temple of the holy name of Jesus, look at its rich stucco, which miraculously preserved from the XVIII century. Under the arches of the church buried its founder Mrs. Francis Slavatova.

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Jesuit church of St. Name of Jesus
Area Zachariáš
The Chapel of All Saints
Town hall Telc
Church of the Holy. Spirit
Telchsky Castle
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