Ruins Strogoziya
   Photos: Ruins Strogoziya

Ruins Strogoziya are in the north of Bulgaria - in the protected area of ​​the park Kajlak, located near the town of Pleven.

The first settlement on the site of today's Pleven, as pointed out by historians, existed in the II - I century BC. e. Later these lands came the Romans who turned the city into a military garrison and built next to station. As with the 238, the Roman Empire begins to be subjected to constant raids by the tribes ready, it was decided to turn the station into a fortress.

The architecture of the fortress was originally sustained in the early Gothic style. It is a rectangular building with a total area of ​​about 31 acres of land. Inside the houses were located, a large granary and basil, which affects their size - 22 x 45 meters. Outside the military garrison was surrounded by thick walls width of about 2, 2 meters. It was built with white stone and durable adhesive mixture. The wall was fortified towers, designed for external defense, and also serves as a warehouse for the storage of weapons. The fortress had two entrances: one towered over the observation tower and its path blocked specially dug deep ditch, another gate led to the underground manhole, going far beyond the castle.

On the territory of Strogozii repeatedly conducted archaeological excavations, as a result of which were found pottery, weapons, coins of 22 kinds. Age findings indicate that the structure there until the end of the century VI.

Visitors can explore the fortress Strogoziya ruins of fortress walls and defensive towers, the Basilica, as well as a warehouse for grain. After visiting this monument of architecture, you can leisurely stroll through the picturesque area of ​​the park Kajlak.

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