Gallery "Doll's House" Tatiana Kalinina
   Photo Gallery "Doll's House" Tatiana Kalinina

"Doll House" Tatiana Kalinina - the only private gallery in Petrozavodsk. At the entrance to the museum you will see a portrait of the author of all the works, the founder of the museum, Honored Artist of the Republic of Karelia and a member of the Artists' Union of Russia - Tatiana Kalinina.

In Petrozavodsk, the name of the artist has become almost legendary. The idea of ​​creating a gallery of dolls Tatiana has always been, and in 1999, this amazing woman embodied his dream and gave the city its inhabitants Art Gallery "Doll's House." In the gallery a very special home. Tatiana, being immensely kind and calm person managed to convey the quality of the picture. As the artist herself says: "This is a family house of joy, a pharmacy for the soul."

Tatiana grew up in Ivanovo, a city long known for its skilled workers, residents who appreciate the work, devotion to family and friends. When Tatiana arrived for the first time in Karelia, then I fell in love with this fabulous region with unique nature, open and friendly people. With ease and grace she created tapestries and dolls, giving each work a piece of his soul. Several years ago, the mistress of the gallery is gone, it was a big loss for the city. The gallery seemed to be the faces of the dolls tearful and sad smiles. The eldest daughter of the artist - Mary decided to do everything to save the doll house, exactly as his mother saw - House of happiness.

Dolls, the creation of the hands of Tatiana, seem absolutely alive, warm, with a volatile mood and its own unique character. World of dolls - a special world, which are closely intertwined myths, fairy tales, reality, mysticism and fantasy author. It has its own laws, to understand that we can only believe in fairy tales and miracles.

Gallery "Doll's house is small, consisting of three showrooms and workshops. In just a few years of his life there have been dozens of gallery exhibitions of drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, batik and tapestry. Most of the authors of the exhibition in the gallery early in the life of solo exhibitions. "Doll house" collects all the creative and like-minded people. All visitors to the gallery, first enter the main hall - the hall of "living dolls" Tatiana Kalinina.

Of particular interest is the gallery exhibition of Tatiana - "Spirits of Karelia Kizhi or brownies." Stepping into the room, you get a mixture of the real and unreal world, a world where there is everything: love, hate, sorrow, joy, loyalty and, of course, the belief in goodness. This whole range of feelings Tatiana Kalinina gave their dolls. The exhibition hall full owners feel different mythical heroes: brownies, water, frights and other "evil". It is believed that a person depends on the mood of good or evil is spirit. If you are overwhelmed with negative emotions, then you will find the spirit of evil and terrible, and if you are kind and cheerful person, the spirit is nice and friendly.

Walking through the exhibition, you will find a mermaid with big and sad eyes, it will remind you of Mermaid Andersen, but Tatiana mermaid tail instead of two thin legs. Everyone for themselves can come up with a story this sad girl, she started and why it is no longer destined to leave the land. Not far from the Little Mermaid you will find houses with long arms, huge ears and nose. Next to him a brave sailor, of course, with the cap - it ships the spirit of the ship. This spirit is the patron and protector of sailors. Another resident of the water company is - Kikimora marsh. Tatyana she presented pretty and perky girl in bright clothes in colors and beads.

Home perfume is located next to a cozy stove, and the main thing here, of course, houses. Sits this known to every spirit on a wooden bench right in the center. He proudly and carefully examines each incoming exposition hall. Many visitors to cajole houses and left him a few coins or candies - for good luck. Not far from the houses sitting spirit Gnetka - the keeper of the generic information. He knows the history and the fate of all family members. According to legend, this spirit exists as a shaggy dog ​​lives exclusively under the bed owner of the house. By nature Gnetka ugly and the author decided to put on a knit mask to not show us his terrible face. Yard Spirit like a grandmother with harsh wrinkled face. This spirit is the patron saint of pets, help her in all things brisk two rats that everybody knows everybody and tell the hostess.

Also in the exhibition can be seen Rigachnika - huge guys with strong shoulders and a shaggy beard, Ambarnika - small and sad man, the custodian of the barn. There was a place in the company and the northern shaman. This is a man who knows how to communicate with the spirits and with their help treat various diseases, as well able to control the natural elements. And it is with this doll began to emerge exhibition "Spirits of Karelia Kizhi or brownies"

All dolls Tatiana Kalinina literally radiate heat, giving them to people and acting on them emotionally. It is even said that the dolls are able to heal from disease, harmonizing the inner man, healing the soul and body.

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