Grand Peterhof Palace
   Photo: Grand Peterhof Palace

The Grand Palace is the center of Peterhof ensemble, which is located in the town of Peterhof 29 km from St. Petersburg, on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland. This so-called "crown" the residence of the Russian tsars. Almost 300 meters stretches along a terrace grand three-story building.
The idea of ​​the location of the royal residence, and the original appearance of Nagornykh chambers belonged to Peter the Great.

On the creation of the architectural appearance and design of the interior decoration of the Grand Palace during the 18-19 centuries. worked famous Western and Russian masters: Jean-B.Leblon, IA-F.Braunshteyn, FB Rastrelli, M. Zemtsov, N. Michetti, AI Stackenschneider. Until now, the Big Peterhof Palace Visitors never tire of admiring its grandeur.

The original palace was built in 1714-1725 gg. designed by Jean-Baptiste Leblond and I. Braunstein, looked pretty modest. Later, in 1745-1755 gg. it was rebuilt on the model of Elizabeth the Palace of Versailles on the draft FB Rastrelli in the style of mature baroque.

Particularly impressive is the view of the facade of the Grand Palace from the bottom or top of the park. But in fact, the building of the Grand Palace is quite narrow and not so great as it seems at first glance. Grand Palace includes about 30 rooms, which includes luxury staterooms, stucco marble with inlaid parquet floors, painted ceilings, gilded walls.

Among the numerous halls of the palace distinguished: Blue reception room, Ballroom, Chesmensky room, dining room White, Audience Hall, Chinese cabinets Picture Hall, Kuropatochnuyu living room, study empress, crown, big blue living room, the Knights, dressing, etc. Shtandartnuyu.

In the palace of Peter hitherto preserved oak office of the first Russian emperor. The main element of the decoration of the small cozy chambers - carved oak panels that were created during the life of Tsar Peter I the French sculptor Nicolas Pineau. Presented in an oak cabinet and personal belongings of Peter I, including a travel clock, made by the German master Johann Benner.

During the reign of the daughter of Peter I, Elizabeth, in the mid-18th c., In Peterhof worked consummate master of the Baroque style, the famous architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. For the interiors, which were created by the genius of Rastrelli typical abundance of gilded wood carving, numerous mirrors, parquet floor made of different types of wood, bright and colorful ceiling light.

Almost all of the west wing of the Grand Palace - a Ballroom (in the 18th century. He was called the Merchants' Hall). Legend has it that Empress Elizabeth demanded specifically to Rastrelli richly decorated this room, because the main purpose of this room was the reception of eminent representatives of the merchant class, which, according to Elizabeth, were very fond of all the gold.

New adaptations and changes in the interiors of the Grand Palace occur in the second half of the 18th century. in a trendy while classical style. Renowned architects ZH..B. Vallin de la Mothe and Yury Felten in 1760-1770 gg. Chesmensky engaged in interior design, the throne hall, the Chinese cabinet.

As a result of two centuries of construction has turned a delightful palace where next to modest rests of the time of Peter shine splendor and magnificence rooms mid-18th century. Baroque. Next to them, keep calm and solemn severity of apartments in the classical style. They are replaced by chambers mid-19th century, which revived the artistic principles of the Rococo style.

The Grand Palace in Peterhof was the center of the official summer life in Russia: it is here to solve many important issues for the country, holds reception distinguished guests, parties, masquerades and balls.

Today, the Grand Palace - a unique historical and art museum with a collection, there are about three and a half thousand exhibits, which include paintings, pieces of furniture, fabrics, lamps, dishes that meet the tastes of their royal masters of the palace.

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