Fountain 'Triton, tearing open the jaws of the sea monster "
   Photo: Fountain 'Triton, tearing open the jaws of the sea monster "

In the center of the greenhouse garden palace and park complex "Peterhof", at the intersection of the avenues a fountain "Orangerie" or "Triton, tearing open the jaws of the sea monster." It was built in 1726 on a plan of T. Usov. Construction of the pipeline was carried out under the direction of P. Sualema. Water is supplied from the Square east of the pond located in the upper garden.

Construction of the fountain in this area of ​​Peterhof was caused not only aesthetic, but also practical (economic) reasons: it was necessary to pool available from which to draw water for watering flowers and trees in the garden. Initially pool surrounded by 16 Tigran shape after it has been simplified and replaced by a round. As such, the swimming pool and keep up to date. Its diameter is 15 meters. Bordered by a profiled cordon of light-colored stone.

In the center of the basin of the fountain "Triton, tearing open the jaws of the sea monster" on the basis of a four-tuff installed a dynamic sculptural composition: arching his back, covered with scales, monster gripping claws up Triton. Triton in Greek mythology was the god of the sea, the son of the sea god Poseidon and the Nereid Amphitrite. He was depicted as a young man or an old man. Instead of legs it had a fish tail. The monster is presented in the form of a crocodile with a big fish tail. Incredibly powerful force depths Herald breaks his toothy maw from which breaks 8 mimetrovaya water jet. From fighting enemies in terror, craning their necks, 4 turtles crawl away from the mouths of which hit two-meter jet of water. The sculptural group is a symbol of the victory of the Russian fleet Gangut in July 1714.

The first sculptural ensemble set in a fountain, called "Satyr with a snake." It was made of lead model K.-B. Rastrelli. By the end of the XVIII century lead sculptural decoration dilapidated fountain. In 1816, IP Martos, looking fountain, noted that the lead group in the basin, which represents a huge 2-uhvostogo Triton, tearing jaws of the snake, in some places quite a break of the corners of the Group 4 lead turtles are in poor condition. Sculptor proposed to replace these figures to the bronze. But the proposal Martos did not approve, and the lead group and was in the pool, undergoing endless restoration work.

Prior to 1875 it continued the story, when the fountain master K. Baltsun noted that being in the lead the Greenhouse fountain sculpture "satyr" "came from time to time in such a state that it is not been no way to repair it."

In 1876, instead of shot ensemble set a new cast of lead electroforming process on the design of Professor D. Jensen, and he became known as "Triton with a crocodile."

During the Great Patriotic War Fountain was destroyed. Restore it in 1956. Sculptor A. Gurzhiy the drawings B.-K. Rastrelli, who was able to save in the album Engineer Bazhenova, was recreated in bronze statuary fountain.

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