Castle Košumberk
   Photo: Castle Košumberk

Košumberk Castle with fortifications which offers stunning views of Luže and the surrounding area, was established at the beginning of the XIV century. Now the once majestic castle remained in ruins. A museum dedicated to the history of Košumberk and its owners, located in a small house, where previously housed the burgrave. When the fortress works as a mini-nature reserve, the territory of which 1 hectare is home to several species of ungulates. There's a deer and mouflon, deer, sheep and goats. Feed the animals is prohibited, but you can watch them while grazing.

What remains of the castle Kushumberk, now owned by the town of Luže.

The first mention of an impregnable Gothic castle on a cliff above the river Novogradka we meet in documents in 1318. The founders of the castle - the gentry Slavata of Chlum - it was rebuilt several times, ensuring greater comfort. In 1573, then there was a large fire completely destroyed Kushumberk. Instead of the old fortress was built a Renaissance palace, which in 1684 became the property of the Jesuits.

After the Jesuit Order ever left the Czech border, the castle passed the Catholic Church, and then the nobles of Thurn-Taxis, which owned it until the mid XX century.

In the XVIII century castle, fallen into disrepair and is no longer subject to recovery. Now we can see part of the square watchtower, the gates, the remains of walls and crumbling palace.

The castle is located 1, 5 km from the puddle. There is a path through the park at the local hospital.

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