New York's Museum of Transport
   Photo: The New York Museum of Transport

New York's Museum of Transport is located in the suitable place for it - in a former subway station "Court Street" in Brooklyn. Entrance to it - an ordinary unassuming staircase subway: a few steps down and a tourist in a museum.

"Court Street" was built in 1936 and abandoned after ten years: by the time the train went through it in transit. In the sixties there gunmen shot and detectives. The museum at the former station was opened to the 200th anniversary of the US in 1976. At first, here we put the old subway cars. After completion of the celebration of the exhibition wanted to close, but it proved so popular that it preserved as a museum.

Exhibited here subway cars and railways, buses, cars, repair, and construction machinery, models of bridges and tunnels, old advertising signs and samples, tools, transportation and uniforms of employees, machines for travel and much more. In addition, here are sent to the old buses and trains of the subway (train "Nostalgia") tour of New York.

The museum is located on two levels. At the top - exhibitions change often exhibits, a cinema hall, a dining room for visitors. At the bottom - a permanent exhibition with a subway car, various underground equipment, fully equipped control room. The interiors of old cars designed in the spirit of the age: there are genuine hang posters and advertisements.

Some of the exhibits are absolutely unique. It is interesting to look at the "Money Train", which was used in the New York Subway to collect daily revenue. The cars are armored structure, windows locked from the inside with steel plates. Yellow train with black stripes slanting outwardly no different from the maintenance staff. Twelve collectors and shift supervisor wore bulletproof vests. The train went round the station, collectors collected bags of cash and they were brought to the station "J Street", where a special "money room" revenue was counted.

Once a year the museum holds an exhibition of old street buses and maintenance equipment. Here you can see, for example, "mobile road repairman" - to find a hole in the road, he blows it with compressed air from the rocks and dirt, falls asleep asphalt and gravel and pour hot asphalt. The driver in this case is not even out of the cab. Another miracle - "Tunnel monster" for the evacuation of emergency vehicles from the New York tunnels. It is almost square, and can be developed at the narrowest point. A special tow truck-bus is capable of quick release from the outside emergency bus.

The museum is remarkable that here almost everything is allowed to touch, twist, twirl. You can sit in the cockpit of this trolley. You can climb up to the second floor double-decker bus. And you can try on the weight of a wheelbarrow loaded with stones - a pulled workers who built the first New York subway.

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