   Photo: Krenholm

The area is the island of the Narva waterfalls Krenholm. Earlier Narva Falls was one of the biggest in Europe. The noise of falling water can be heard several kilometers away. Unfortunately, at the moment, all this beauty is no longer available for locals or tourists. The island is an industrial complex, which is important for Narva, though sacrificed greatness of nature.

In the mid-19th century, a major shareholder Ludwig Knoop bought Narva merchant Sudhova island Krenholm a new factory. In April 1857 the island was laid the first industrial complex. Construction progressed rapidly, and by the end of next year were launched early 8000 spinning machines. By 1862, when all the original building was fully completed and launched, Krenholm became the most modern textile enterprise in Russia in those years. Spinning machines were set in motion with the help of water that falls into the turbine through a specially built channels.

In 1870 it was built the "New Spinning Factory" .  In subsequent years, it was built and put Yoalskaya and George Factory .  By 1872 the company employs already about 6 thousand .  human .  The premises were illuminated by gas lamps .  Each of them were provided with ventilation .  In particularly dusty workplace was installed additional ventilation .  Furthermore, for removing dust in the indoor air used special humidifying device .  All the factory buildings were constructed of non-combustible materials .  In addition, the factory was equipped with an automatic fire-extinguishing system, which is triggered when the temperature rises to a certain level, and the pump is switched on and the water is sprayed over the source of the fire .  Thus, the company for those years were extremely well equipped in terms of production and in terms of working conditions and safety of the factory and the people working on it . 

During manufacture, in addition to industrial buildings and other buildings were. There were built barracks for workers, which mostly lived newcomers and their families. Since the factory employed many juvenile and illiterate, at the manufactory had its own two-year school and nursery, where workers can leave their children for the day. For factory workers had a bath and a laundry room with hot water, which they could use for free.

On the territory of the factory worked markets and shops, a mill was built. In 1872, the police station was opened a few years - Telegraph Point. Since 1893 on the territory of the factory he opened his own bakery. While all the family events, such as marriage, birth, funeral takes place without the participation of the church. Therefore, in the years 1881-1884 was built by Alexander's Lutheran Church, and in the years 1890-1896 - Orthodox Resurrection Cathedral. On the territory of the enterprise and the hospital it was also on the contents of which are held by two kopecks per ruble of wage workers.

So Krenholm represented a kind of city that is constantly expanding and frustrated. Krenholm architect as a result was able to create your own unique style associated with the historical traditions of Narva architecture.

However, not everything was so smooth. The workers complained of the heat, as the ventilation is not always good. Plus, the long-time, which lasted from 5 am to 8 pm. During the delay, and even damage to the machine workers could receive a fine. This company, in addition to its size, as it became known because of the strike in 1872, which hit the pages of the history books as Krenholm strike. In the summer of 1872 in the province of Estonia cholera epidemic broke out. The disease has killed many people, did not pass at the same time and Krenholm. Some of the workers in order to avoid infection, asked to terminate the contract prematurely. Many of the factory workers rioted, due to poor and unhygienic living conditions. Workers put forward a number of requirements, some of which, as a result of the negotiations have been met.

In 1900, the production was awarded the Grand Prix at the Paris World's Fair. It should be noted that in Estonia today is no analogue of the complex, which has recently celebrated its 150th anniversary and is still the largest employer in the city. And the institutions built Krenholm work to this day.

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